Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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Yandong Wang, Mostafa Madani 
Z/] Imaging Corporation, 230 Business Park Blvd., Madison, AL 35757, USA 
ywang(@ziimaging.com, msmadani@ziimaging.com 
Commission III, WG III/1 
KEY WORDS: digital, extraction, image, photogrammetry, triangulation. 
This paper presents a novel method for automatic detection of shadow points in digital images in order to improve the reliability of 
automatic triangulation. The new method is based on the model of shadow points, which contains the radiometric and geometric 
properties of shadow in the image. The first is that there is a distinct contrast along the edge of a shadow in the image. The second is 
that the surface around a shadow 1s not a smooth surface and the points in the shadow area have smaller elevation than the objects 
casting the shadow, such as trees or buildings. The proposed method works in two steps: it first detects points with high contrast by 
image processing, and then finds points where the terrain slope changes sharply in its surrounding area by using a local digital 
surface model (DSM) which is generated by image matching. The proposed approach has been implemented within Z/I Imaging's 
automatic triangulation product — ISAT. The tests on different projects show that the proposed method can detect shadow points 
effectively and thus improve the reliability of the triangulation results. 
Shadow is a common phenomenon in digital images. Since the 
information in shadow area may be lost or is very difficult to be 
extracted, it often causes problems in many photogrammetric 
applications such as automatic extraction of buildings and 
roads, generation of orthophotos and automatic triangulation. In 
automatic triangulation, tie/pass points of images are extracted 
automatically by image matching and the exterior orientation 
(EO) parameters of images are computed by using the extracted 
image points. Thus, the quality of the obtained EO parameters 
of images largely depends on the quality of the automatically 
extracted tie/pass points and their distribution in the block. The 
existence of shadow points reduces the accuracy and reliability 
of the derived EO parameters of the images, especially when 
the flight line is long, photos are taken at a large sun azimuth, 
or images are taken in a bad weather condition, e.g., a windy 
day. Therefore, how to detect and remove shadow points in the 
image automatically is an important issue in automatic 
triangulation. There are different methods developed for 
detecting shadow points. Some of them use the sun azimuth of 
the image and DSM to compute the location of shadows in the 
image (Amhar et al, 1998; Rau et al, 2002). They work well 
when the sun azimuth and DSM in the image area are available. 
However, DSM is sometimes unavailable for some 
applications, for example, in automatic triangulation. Other 
approaches detect shadow area by simply performing 
thresholding operation (Gong et al, 2002). Since shadows 
usually have large intensity values in the image, most shadow 
points can be detected by thresholding operation of the image. 
But, some non-shadow objects may also have large intensity 
values in the image and thus be detected incorrectly. In this 
paper, a new method based on the model of shadow points is 
presented. The model contains two distinct properties of a 
shadow in the image. The first is that there is a distinct contrast 
along the edge of a shadow in the image. The second is that the 
surface around a shadow is not a smooth surface and the points 
in the shadow area have smaller elevation than the objects 
casting the shadow such as trees or buildings. The proposed 
method works in two steps: it first detects points with high 
contrast and then find points where the terrain slope changes 
sharply in its surrounding area by using a local DSM. It is 
assumed that terrain has a sharp change in slope when high 
objects such as trees and buildings occur. The slope change of 
terrain can be calculated by using a local DSM generated by 
image matching during the generation of tie/pass points. The 
proposed approach has been implemented within Z/I Imaging's 
automatic triangulation product — ISAT. In the following 
sections, the process of automatic generation of tie/pass points 
and detection of shadow points will be described and some 
examples of shadow point detection will be presented. 
In automatic triangulation, tie/pass points for computing EO 
parameters of images are generated automatically by image 
matching. Different matching techniques have been developed 
for finding corresponding image points in overlapping images 
in the last two decades. Feature-based matching (FBM) and 
area-based matching such as least-squares matching (LSM) are 
two widely used matching methods. Both of them have their 
advantages and disadvantages. LSM has very high matching 
accuracy, but needs good approximation of the position of the 
point to be matched while FBM doesn't need good approximate 
location of the corresponding point and has relatively low 
matching accuracy. To reduce mismatch points, and thus to 
increase the reliability of triangulation results, a combination of 
LBM and LSM is usually used in the automatic generation of 
tie/pass points since they can compensate to each other. In Zl 
Imaging's ISAT, the tie/pass points in the image are generated 
by using LBM and LSM from coarse to fine (Tang et al, 1997; 
Madani et al, 2001). The following diagram shows a general 
procedure of the automatic generation of tie/pass points in Z/I 
Imaging's ISAT. 

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