Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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s In: 
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i 2004 
Joachim Bauer, Horst Bischof", Andreas Klaus, Konrad Karner 
VRVis Research Center, Austria 
*Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision, Graz University of Technology, Austria 
KEY WORDS: Photogrammetry, Architecture, Geometry, Matching, Feature. 
This paper introduces a novel method for affine invariant matching using Zwickels that is especially well suited for im- 
ages of man-made structures. Zwickels are sections defined by two intersecting line segments, dividing the neighborhood 
around the intersection point into two sectors. The information inside the smaller sector is used to compute an affine 
invariant representation. We rectify the sector using the line information and compute a histogram of the edge orientations 
as a description vector. The descriptor combines the advantage of accurate point localization through line intersection as 
well as higher descriptivity through use of a larger image region compared to descriptors computed around the points. 
Compared to other affine invariant descriptors we demonstrate that our method avoids the problem of depth discontinu- 
ities. In several matching experiments we show that our features are insensitive against viewpoint changes as well as 
illumination changes. Results are presented for aerial and terrestrial images as well. 
The computation of features that are invariant against view- 
point and illumination changes is a crucial step in every im- 
age matching or image indexing task. Commonly used fea- 
tures are the affine invariant ones, since perspective trans- 
forms, as they occur in wide baseline setups can be lo- 
cally approximated by an affine transform. Typically an 
interest point detector provides locations at which a lo- 
cal affine invariant descriptor is computed. Based on the 
assumption, that the area around the interest point is pla- 
nar or sufficiently smooth an affine invariant descriptor is 
useful. Several methods have been proposed in literature 
e.g. by. Baumberg (Baumberg, 2000), Lowe(Lowe, 1999), 
Schmid and Mohr (Schmid and Mohr, 1997). Mikolajczyk 
and Schmid (Mikolajczyk and Schmid, June 2003) eval- 
uated the performance of several local descriptors. The 
most challenging problem in these approaches is to find 
the correct scale i.e. the spatial extension of the support 
region around the point. Other methods define an invariant 
region by finding a stable border as proposed by Schaffal- 
itzky and Zisserman ( Schaffalitzky and Zisserman, 2001), 
Tuytelaars and Van Gool (Tuytelaars and Gool, 2000) or 
Matas et.al (Matas et al., 2002). Larger regions seem to be 
preferable because they allow a more distinctive descrip- 
tion, but on the other hand are more likely to contain oc- 
clusions if the same region is viewed from a different view- 
point. Larger regions may also deviate from the planar case 
or exhibit large perspective distortion. 
In this paper we present a method for the detection and 
affine invariant description of image regions using Zwick- 
els !. A Zwickel is formed by the intersection of two lines, 
where the intersection points of the line segments serve as 
interest points. The principal idea behind this approach is, 
that the area between intersecting lines is in many cases 
planar. Unlike other methods that compute the descrip- 
tor for a symmetric or skew-symmetric region around the 
! German: zwicken : to nip 
interest point, we use the dividing property of the line seg- 
ments to compute the descriptor only for the smaller sector. 
This has the advantage, that if two sectors match, we com- 
pare only the correct parts and thereby achieve a higher 
discrimination ability, especially if lines are lying on depth 
discontinuities. Our approach is split up into two steps: 
first we detect potential Zwickels by searching for inter- 
secting line pairs. This step yields accurate points of in- 
terest and subdivides the region around this point into two 
sectors. The lines therefore automatically provide a seg- 
mentation by dividing the region around the interest point 
into two sectors. 
In the second step we compute affine invariant descriptors 
for those sectors that are enclosed by the intersecting lines. 
The computation of the affine invariant descriptor involves 
a rectification of the enclosed sector and the construction 
of a histogram of the edge orientations. It is clear, that 
the proposed interest points can only be detected in im- 
ages, where a sufficient number of lines is present - this 
is true for images containing typical man-made structures. 
The geometric accuracy of the intersection points is higher 
than those of corner based points of interest. The outline of 
the paper is as follows: In section 2 we describe the detec- 
tion of Zwickels and the computation of the affine invariant 
descriptor. Section 3 shows the application of the Zwickel 
descriptors for image matching. Experiments with real and 
synthetic images are presented in section 4, concluding re- 
marks and an outlook in section 5 close the paper. 
In the following we describe how Zwickels are detected, 
explain the rectification process in more detail and address 
the computation of the affine invariant descriptor. 
2.1 Zwickel detection 
The detection of Zwickels is performed as follows: In the 
first step 2D line segments are extracted from the image,

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