Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

| 2004 
ly 30 
Jacopo Grazzini!, Antonio Turiel*, Hussein Yahia! and Isabelle Herlin! 
1 CLIME Project - INRIA Rocquencourt 
Domaine de Voluceau BP105 
78153 Le Chesnay, France. 
{jacopo.grazzini,hussein.yahia,isabelle.herlin } @inria.fr 
t Dept. of Geophysics, Institut de Ciences del Mar 
Pg. Maritim de la Barceloneta, 37-49 
08003 Barcelona, Spain. 
KEY WORDS: Remote Sensing, Segmentation, High-Resolution, Compression, Reconstruction, Hierarchical, Texture, 
The new generation of satellites leads to the arrival of very high-resolution images which offer a new quality of detailed 
information about the Earth's surface. However, the exploitation of such data becomes more complicated and less efficient 
as a consequence of the great heterogeneity of the objects displayed. In this paper, we address the problem of edge- 
preserving smoothing of high-resolution satellite images. We introduce a novel approach as a preprocessing step for 
feature extraction and/or image segmentation. The method is derived from the multifractal formalism proposed for image 
compression. This process consists in smoothing heterogeneous areas while preserving the main edges of the image. 
It is performed in 2 steps: 1) a multifractal decomposition scheme allows to extract the most informative subset of the 
image, which consists essentially in the edges of the objects; 2) a propagation scheme performed over this subset allows to 
reconstruct an approximation of the original image with a more uniform distribution of luminance. The strategy we adopt 
is described in the following and some results are presented for Spot acquisitions with spatial resolution of 20 x 20 m?. 
In the latest years, the improvement of the technology for 
observing the Earth from space has led to a new class of 
images with very high spatial resolution. New satellite 
sensors are acquiring images at finer resolutions, such as, 
for instance, resolutions of 2.5m (Spot), 1m (Ikonos) or 
even 0.7 m (QuickBird). High resolution (HR) imagery of- 
fers a new quality of detailed information about the prop- 
erties of the Earth’s surface together with their geograph- 
ical relationships. Consequently, this has given rise to a 
growing interest on image processing tools and their ap- 
plication on this kind of images (Mather, 1995). Smaller 
and smaller objects (such as house plots, streets...), as well 
as precise contours of larger objects (such as field struc- 
tures) are now available, automatic methods for extract- 
ing these objects are of great interest. However, due to 
the fact that HR images show great heterogeneity, stan- 
dard techniques for analyzing, segmenting and classifying 
the data become less and less efficient. When the reso- 
lution increases, the spectral within-field variability also 
increases, which can affect the accuracy of further classifi- 
cation or segmentation schemes (Schiewe, 2002): images 
contain more complicated and detailed local textures; char- 
acteristic objects of the images (fields, buildings, rivers) 
are no more homogeneous. Thus, classical approaches 
cannot produce satisfactory results because they may in- 
duce simultaneously under- and over-segmentation within 
a single scene, depending on the heterogeneity of the con- 
sidered objects, that confuse the global information and 
prevent further analysis. Generally several preprocessing 
steps may be required before such methods can be ap- 
plied (Schowengerdt, 1997). 
This paper introduces a new approach to edge-preserving 
smoothing of HR images as a preprocessing step for fea- 
ture extraction and/or image segmentation. The problem 
can be related with the idea of resolution reduction: the re- 
tained technique should enable to preserve the features of 
the original image corresponding to the boundaries of the 
objects while homogeneizing the other parts (non-edges) 
ofthe image. Recently, Laporterie-Déjean et al. (Laporterie- 
Djean et al., 2003) proposed a multiscale method for pre- 
segmenting HR images. The algorithm consists in per- 
forming a non-exact reconstruction: it decomposes and 
partially reconstructs images using morphological pyramids 
that enable to extract details wich regard their structures 
within the image. 
Like in (Laporterie-Djean et al., 2003), we address this 
problem with a method derived from data compression. 
We use the multifractal approach introduced in (Turiel and 
Parga, 2000) as a resolution-reducing device. Like many 
image processing techniques, it makes use of the image 
edge information that is contained in the image gradient. 
Such an approach is ideal, as it assumes that objects can 
be reconstructed from their boundary information (Turiel 
and del Pozo, 2002). Moreover, it constitutes a multiscale 
approach which is well recognized to attain the best per- 
formance in processing purposes over satellite data, like 
image fusion and image merging (Yocki, 1995). Even on 
a single scene, different scales of analysis are needed, de- 
pending on the homogenity of the objects under consider- 
ation and on the desired final application. The process we 
finally propose is done in two steps: 
e First, meaningful subsets of the original image, which 
mainly consists in its boundaries, are extracted using 
a multifractal decomposition scheme.

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