Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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Li Pan^', Hong Zheng”, Zhuxun Zhang? Jiang Zhang’, 
“School of Remote Sensing and Information & Engineering, Wuhan University 
129 Luoyu Road, Wuhan 430079, P.R.China 
"School of Electronic Information, Wuhan University 
129 Luoyu Road, Wuhan 430079, P.R.China 
Commission PS WG III/4 
Key words: Photogrammetry, Segmentation, Algorithms, Integration, Triangulation 
This paper proposes a method of objects extraction based high and color texture features. Trees or forests are interested objects in 
this paper, which are higher than their surroundings. According to the disparity image processed, at first, the original color aerial 
images are segmented into the high and low objects, next, on the basis of preliminary results, the trees are refined by Fuzzy C-Mean 
with the texture and color features from the high and low areas. With above results, in this paper, an architecture is presented that 
observed points on forest and on non-forest are divided into two different groups in automatic aerial triangulation. This is because the 
matching accuracy and reliability of observed points on trees is lower than on non-trees. To decrease the negative influence of the 
observed points on trees, the observed points in two different groups are given the different a'priori standard deviation of photo 
coordination measurement and weights. The experiment results have proved that the method of observed points grouped can improve 
the accuracy of automatic aerial triangulation in forest-covered regions.. 
1. Introduction 
The analysis of texture has proven to be an important tool 
for image segmentation. A lots of approaches were presented 
by the researchers who were in different fields. Those methods 
are divided into the three major branches: thresholding or 
clustering, edge detection, and region extraction. Traditionally, 
the analysis of texture models is on the images of two 
dimension, while the height feature belonged to the information 
of third dimension has received much less attention. Among the 
approaches that have been examined, T. Dang (1994) proposed 
the algorithm that was to directly use height information for 
detection and reconstruction of buildings in aerial images. The 
other method (N.Haala, 1994 ) that was via stereo 
reconstruction process to obtain height information for 
detection of buildings. The above two algorithms assume only 
the case that there are simple houses and little trees or no trees 
on flat ground and the quality of the images is very good. In 
this paper, trees or forests are interested objects. In contrast to 
artificial objects, such as houses and roads, trees or forests are a 
kind of natural scenes which are not structured and cannot be 
represented easily by regular rules. In addition, trees or forests 
do not obey strict position rules. Hence, texture and color 
features are important cues for trees or forests extraction in 
color aerial images. In practice, if only texture and color 
features are used, sometimes the results of trees or forests 
extraction are inaccurate. There are two reasons: (1) The non- 
tree objects have the similar texture features to trees; (2) 
Usually different tree type has different texture features. But, it 
is the fact that trees are the objects that are higher than their 
surroundings. In this paper, an approach is descried for the 
recognition of various forest and trees in low resolution aerial 
images. Our method combines texture features, color and 
height information to overcome those disadvantages. À 
technique similar to ours was discussed in (W.Eckstein, 1996). 
*Corresponding author. Email: li.pan@126.com 
Their method has the advantage that can dealt with realistic and 
complex scenes. But it needed high resolution aerial images 
and DTM, and assumed that the range of the highest building 
was from 20m to 30m. Hence, it was able to extract the huge 
buildings and forests. Our method is to first use the parallaxes 
data to provide the preliminary segmentation of the image and, 
given this results, perform Fuzzy C-Mean to refine and produce 
the final segmentation. At first, the stereo models are created 
by the digital photogrammetry system (Virtuozo), the 
parallaxes data are obtained. Second, the image that parallaxes 
are represented by 256 grey levels is divided into different 
regions and the edges are detected by Sobel algorithm. Third, 
according to the parallaxes image processed, the original color 
aerial images are segmented into the high and low objects. 
Generally , in the areas covered by forest, high objects mainly 
include trees or forest, less houses and bridges and more non- 
trees objects are took in the low region. In order to refine trees 
or forest, the high and low objects are classified by Fuzzy C- 
Mean respectively. With above results, in this paper, an 
architecture is presented that observed points on forest and on 
non-forest are divided into two different groups in automatic 
aerial triangulation, because the matching accuracy of observed 
points on trees is lower than the observed points on non-trees. 
To decrease the negative influence of the observed points on 
forest, the observed points in two different groups are given the 
different pre-variances and weights. The experiment results 
have proved that the method of observed points divided into 
two different groups can improve the accuracy of automatic 
aerial triangulation. 
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the 
method of the objects extraction based on the high and color 
texture features and is divided into two subsection. In section 3, 
experimental results are discussed and the conclusion is given 
in Section 4. 
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Step 1. 
Step 2. 
Step 3. 
Step 4. 
Step 5. 

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