Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

LT. Yang, S.Y. Lee, 
S.I. Baek & J.H. Park 
E-Mail :intae@kangwon.ac.kr 
Lab. Of Surveying & Geospatial Information 
Department of Civil Eng., Kangwon National University 
ABSTRACT : Population concentration phenomenon of city need large-scale ride, and ride is important urea that 
develop area and is armed surrounding landuse. But, it is difficult to evaluate effect that ride gets landuse change and 
community development as quantitative. 
Therefore, this research evaluates change and effect of landuse as political to subway station that is main ride of 
Seoul City, and chose standard and position for right place arrangement of electric railway station. 
Research contents analyzed subway station effect area interior and external landuse change taking the advantage of 
buffer function of GIS(Geographic Information System) and classification technique of RS(Remote Sensing), and 
decide precedence at subway station establishment and chose position of subway station for effect area outside area. 
Modern society is repeating many changes by fast 
development and human's industrialization. Specially, 
it is intent phenomenon population of metropolis 
specific region, and these phenomenons get into 
standard that can know industrialization of the area. 
Population concentration phenomenon of city need 
large-scale ride. This cause increases of traffic 
discharge. Developing area and surrounding landuse 
is armed, public traffic equipment of downtown area 
and expansion of road network is important. 
Subway route is piercing area that surrounding 
floating population is many or railway station sphere 
is formed. Also, it is established in place that can 
secure high utilization ratio. And, there is airport, 
main traffic equipment such as terminal and link 
This study compare and analyze the buffer result of 
radius lkm for subway station interior and external 
landuse change as quantitative taking advantage of 
buffer function of GIS and RS technique. Also, chose 
position for subway station establishment. 
2. Approach Method 
Administrative district and Position of subway 
station of Seoul City to study area is acquired by 
1:25000 digital map. It is Created point and polygon 
coverage by ARC/INFO. Each created coverage and 
subway station buffer zone coverage overlapped and 
converted to grid. Also, using satellite image that was 
acquired in 1985 and 1996 year, land use 
classification was accomplished. Lastly the position 
of subway station for buffer zone external area is 
determined by extracted information. 

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