Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
/| 3.2 Built-up area 33 
(ii) --> not matched / / 
/ / As far as the Built-up area is concerned, small build- 
/ > ings are treated differently, and considered alone in Resu 
7 the first phase: buildings detected as points or lines nes € 
/ are first considered as potential match for small build- umn 
Y (ii) - matched ings. They are projected and the closest small build- the 
// ings are found. In the case of more than one point tal si 
(iii) 7 lying close to a small building, only the closest will umn 
be considered as matched. In the case of lines, the p 
Figure 3: Road network matching: line match ; parts of the lines lying to far away from the small coul: 
buildings are ignored if they are small, otherwise, of th 
First the road detected as lines are matched to line they are kept in the set of non-matched detected el- sum 
segments of the DB as illustrated in figure 3: (1) the ements. refer 
detected road segments are projected, and the close : then 
DB line elements are found; (ii) if the line orienta- — Figure 5 shows the results of matching points and 
tion match within +/- 10 degrees, and the distance lines on part of the DB: detected elements are dis- 
between the segments is lower than 10m the seg- played m blue, while matched and mivsed DB build- 
ments are associated; (iii) if the projected segment ~~ "85 ar€ displayed in green, and red respectively. 
covers only part of a DB segment and if the remain- - 
ing DB segment is smaller than 10m, that remain- o est . 
ing part is considered as detected as well; (iv) all X . i t S 
detected segments without associated DB segment 
are considered as false alarms. ] 1] 
Then, the road detected as polygons are consid- a L Cr Sub- 
ered as illustrated in figure 4: (i) the polygons are c 
projected (in orange), dilated and filled (in blue); 
(up ns Femaimre DB Seeme nts are projects on Figure 5: Matching BUA; in blue: detected build- 
the latter and dilated; (iii) parts outside the dilated . ‚€ : : 
s gd A le ings noted as points and lines; in green: matched 
polygons are considered as not matched (in red) un- A: MM 
less they are too small; (iii) remaining large uncov- DB builds; Hi reds missed DB Gwldinss 
y g larg 
ered polygon parts are considered as false alarms. 
Both the remaining elements of the DB and the de- 
tected polygons are projected. The DB polygons Table 
polyg proj polyg 
that are covered by more than 80 % of its surface by Wa 
a detected polygon are considered as totally seen, 
otherwise, each of its connected parts is analyzed: 
if it represents less than 10 % of the total area, it is Thes 
ignored, otherwise it is kept in the unmatched part resul 
of the DB. Similarly, the connected parts of the de- than 
: tected polygons lying outside the DB polygons are sub-ı 
Figure 4: Road network matching; left: detected ^ analyzed: if they represent more than 10 % of the more 
polygons in orange, dilated and filled polygon in total detected polygon, they are considered as false 13% 
blue; right: polygonal match. Matched DB ele- ^ alarm, otherwise they are ignored. Finally, remain- Ing a 
ments in green. False detected elements in red. ing polygons representing parts of the non-matched part 
DB buildings might be considered as viewed if the fied ( 
that are narrower than a threshold, and if their width have 
The false alarms are thus made of non matched de- — is indeed smaller than the original width of the build- The : 
tected linear segments and parts of non-matched ing in the DB. ral zZ. 
detected polygons. The missed elements are DB tion ı 
segments or part of DB segments that were not mat- The last process consists in trying to match the re- the f; 
ched with a linear segment and did not fit in a de- maining points and lines with parts of polygonal inter] 
tected polygons. DB elements. Secor 

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