Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
This pure random approach is a "worst case uncertainty 
assessment", as also suggested by Wechsler (2000). 
34 Spatially-dependent Field — Filtered 
In reality, elevation error is not purely random because of the 
spatial autocorrelation nature of elevation and so is the error 
(Hunter and Goodchild, 1997; Holmes, 2000; Wechsler, 2000). 
34.  Semivariograms: X Semivariogram analysis can 
characterize spatial data by relating the semivariance between 
two sample points to the distance that separates them. The 
distance interval is called /ag. The important properties of 
semivariogram for the characterization of spatial dependence 
are: sill and range. Range is the value of lag (h) when it levels 
off, which shows the distance that the data are spatially 
dependent. Sill is the semivariance value in the maximum 
distance of spatial dependence (range) (Figure 3a). 
However, for topographic surface, it is very unlikely that the 
semivariogram will reach sill, unless the strength of the 
geologic properties limits the maximum elevation (Holmes, 
2000). In the semivariogram of topographic data, very likely the 
variability increases infinitely within the area under study 
(Figure 3b). 
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Figure 3. (a) Range and Sill in a semivariogram; (b) 
semivariogram with infinite increase of spatial variability 
(picture courtesy of The Idrisi Project) 
In the case of topographic data, directional semivariograms can 
be calculated to obtain distance of spatial dependence. By 
simultaneously plotting them, the distance over which all the 
semivariograms show similar behavior can be used as the 
distance of spatial dependence. 
Semivariogram Analysis was conducted using Spatial 
Dependence Modeller under Idrisi32. Both Upstream and 
Downstream sites were analyzed and the directions applied 
were omni directions, 45°, 90° and 180 °. 
34.2 Weighted-mean filter. The perturbation layer developed 
In this second approach is called “weighted-mean filter” which 
Is developed following a method by Wechsler (2000). This 
filler is composed of several layers, with the original values 
being from the random field generated. Each layer is like a 
‘square ring’ surrounding the central cell which uniformly 
contains the values of ‘mean * weight’. The weight assigned to 
each layer becomes decreasing as the layer moves farther away 
from the central cell. The size of the filter comes from the 
spatial dependence distance (SDD) obtained from 
semivariogram analysis. For example, if the SDD is 50 m, 
which means the SDD from the central cell is 50 m, then the 
filter size is 100 m. The total weighted-mean values are 
obtained as the sum of the total layers. 
Figure 4. Example of weight layer, of 4*4 window 
The formula for this method is as follows (Wechsler, 2000): 
IL E 1 (1) 
Weighted mean filter= > HC); m 
izl i 
i=l ^ 
where: u(L;)= mean of the values in layer i, i.e. mean of the 
random field cells in the ring 
i = layer number 
TL = total number of layers 
3.5 Slope as a DEM-derived Topographic Feature 
The derived topographic parameter to be tested in this study is 
slope. Slope is defined as the increase in vertical direction (dz) 
per distance in horizontal direction (dx). The calculation of 
slope takes the eight neighboring cells or 3x3 cell window. The 
method follows ‘third-order finite difference’ by Horn (1981) 
(PCRaster Environmental Software). 
Error in elevation propagates to the slopes derived and the 
uncertainty of the slope is observed by deriving the perturbed 
DEM into slope grids and calculating the slope RMSE by the 
end of the simulation. 
3.6 Simulation Procedures 
In conducting the simulation, the dynamic modeling tool of PC 
Raster was used. 
For each N, a random field of normal distribution (p= 0, c= 
RMSE) was generated and was added to the original DEM, each 
time with a non-repetitive random field perturbation. After Nept 
times, a grid of elevation RMSE was obtained as the simulation 
output. The same procedures were applied in assessing the 
uncertainty of the derived product, in this case, slope. For each 
N, after the perturbation, slope grid was calculated, and after 
Nop times, the final slope RMSE grid was obtained. 
To see the effects of resolution, the DEM was tested in three 
cell sizes: 5, 10 and 20 m. 

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