Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Most of the above algorithms is implemented in a C++ based 
software called “MarsMapper” developed by the Mapping and 
GIS Laboratory, which has maximally automated map making 
capabilities. It can also assistant human operators for cross-tie 
point selection and rover localisation 
Figure 16. Traverse map of Meridiana Planum site 
We have introduced an approach to the making of terrain maps 
from descent imagery with vertical parallax configuration. For 
robotic stereo imagery, we have used an interest point-based 
matching and verification method to registering images in real 
time and found a dual polynomial model for DEM interpolation 
in close-range photogrammetry for Martian terrain. Cross-site 
landmark extraction and matching is explored. Mars mapping is 
maximally automated while rover localization is semi- 
This research is supported by JPL/NASA and conducted at the 
Mapping and GIS Laboratory of The Ohio State University. 
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