Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Resulting from this transferability test, there are a number of 
potential classification rules for specific feature classes and the 
knowledge which rules were transferable to other images of 
each geographic region. 
4.0 Base rule set 
Further investigations deal with the question: which image 
object properties are transferable or in other words which 
properties are stable in different images? Therefore potential 
object properties which resulted from the transferability test 
(section 4.1) were compared in all test sites of the geographic 
region coast to come up with a set of knowledge-based 
classification rules. For this comparison, the four images of the 
coast region were combined into one big image. Then each of 
the potential object properties was displayed in eCognition and 
the ranges used in the initial classification were tested to find if 
applicable in all images or not. If not, different ranges were 
tested until either a good range of values is found or the 
property considered as unsuitable. 
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Figure 2: Texture property of Jijel 
Figure 1 and 2 show an example of an examined image object 
property (Grey Level Co-Occurrence Matrix -GLCM- 
Homogeneity in the NIR channel (Haralick 1973)). The images 
are displayed in grey values. Dark coloured image objects 
posses a small value whereas brighter segments have a high 
value for this texture property. From the figures, it is clear that 
this texture property has similar values for the built-up areas of 
Mostaganem and Jijel. It is also visible that using solely this 
property is not sufficient to classify built-up areas because other 
features like quarry and bush land also fulfil it. 
All other potential properties were analysed in the same manner 
to produce the base rule set for coast (Table 3). In this set, non 
built-up areas which comprise different kinds of vegetation like 
agricultural land and forest, are classified using the Normalized 
Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and the GLCM Variance 
in NIR. Similar textural and spectral properties characterize the 
class built-up. The rules for the linear classes roads and river 
contain shape properties like length to width, ratio and density 
(the area covered by the image object divided by its radius 
which describes the compactness of an image object). Water is 
defined by the Ratio NIR (the NIR mean value of an image 
object divided by the sum of all spectral channel mean values). 
Lake and sea are child classes from water so that they inherit the 
property Ratio NIR from water. The feature lake is classified 
using shape properties area and length and sea is characterised 
by the Ratio NIR like the parent class water. 
The resulting so called base rule set which contains spectral, 
texture, and shape properties was applied to all the test sites in 
the coast region and accuracy assessment was performed. 
Table 3: Base rule set for Coast 
Class Property Range 
NDVI >0 
Non-Built up GLCM 
Variance NIR 9 
Length/ = 
Vidth nhá 
Roads Wic 
Density < 0.9 
Water Ratio NIR > 0.26 
Lake Area > 6500 
(child of 
water) |Length < 310 
(child of |Ratio NIR <0.19 
< 0.002 
NIR 0.00 
Buil Mean Green >90 
naw Ow S 
Homog. NIR + 
Contrast Red =n 
Mean NIR 25-50 
River Length/ E dn 
sy > 5 

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