Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Describing the integration of GIS-data with aerial imagery in 
one semantic model is the starting point for object extraction, as 
highlighted in detail concerning the extraction of field 
boundaries and wind erosion obstacles in (Butenuth and Heipke 
2004). The semantic model is differentiated in an object layer, 
consisting of the real world, a GIS-layer, a geometric and 
material part, as well as an image layer (cf. Figure 1). The 
model is based on the assumption, that the used CIR-images are 
generated in summer, when the vegetation is in an advanced 
period of growth. 
The use of prior knowledge plays an important role, which is 
represented in the semantic model with an additional GIS-layer. 
Vector data of the ATKIS DLMBasis (German Authoritative 
Topographic-Cartographic Information System) is used, which 
is an object based digital landscape model of the whole country: 
(1) Field boundaries and wind erosion obstacles are exclusively 
located in the open landscape, thus, further investigations are 
focused to this area. The open landscape is not directly 
modelled in the ATKIS DLMBasis, this is why this information 
has to be derived by selecting all areas, which are not 
settlements, forests or water bodies. (2) The road network, 
rivers and railways can be used within the open landscape as 
prior knowledge: The geometries of the GIS-objects are 
introduced in the semantic model with a direct relation from the 
GIS-layer to the real world (cf. Figure 1) For example, the 
ATKIS objects 3101 (road) and 3102 (path) are linked to the 
road segment of the real world and, thus, are usable as field 
boundaries (e.g. a road is a field boundary). The modelling of 
the GIS-objects in the geometry and material layer together 
with the image layer is not of interest, because they do not have 
to be extracted from the imagery (depicted with dashed lines in 
Figure 1). (3) Tree rows and hedges are only captured in the 
ATKIS-data, if they are longer than 200 m and lie along roads 
or are formative for the landscape. Therefore, the relation from 
the GIS-layer to the real world is limited and a modelling in the 
image layer is also required. 
The first object to be extracted, the field, is divided in the 
semantic model in field area and field boundary in order to 
allow for different modelling in the layers: The field area is a 
2D vegetation region, which is a homogeneous region with a 
high NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) value in 
the CIR-image. The field boundary is a 2D elongated vegetation 
boundary, which is formed as a straight line or edge in the 
image. Both descriptions lead to the desired result from 
ditferent sides. 
The second object to be extracted, the wind erosion obstacle, is 
divided in hedge and tree row due to different available 
information from the GIS-layer. Afterwards, both objects are 
merged, because modelling in the subsequent layers is identical. 
In addition, the wind erosion obstacles are not only described 
by their direct appearance in geometry and material, but also 
with the fact, that due to their height (3D object) there is a 2D 
elongated shadow region next to and in a known direction (e.g. 
northern direction at noon). Therefore, the "concrete of" 
relation not only consists of an elongated, coloured region with 
a high NDVI value, but additionally of an elongated dark region 
with a low NDVI value alongside the real object of interest in a 
known direction. 
The integrated modelling leads in particular to relationships 
between the field boundaries and wind erosion obstacles, thus, 
inside the layers of the semantic model (cf. Figure 1): One 
object can be part of another one or be parallel and nearby, and 
together they form a network in the real world. For example, 
wind erosion obstacles are not located in the middle of a field, 
because of disadvantageous cultivation conditions, but solely on 
| Landscape | 
| | | 
river ROO T ^ road - [ sedi | wind erosion 
| network | obstacle j 
, 1 
J]i ania M Rs 
/ : junction railway- | road | field boundary | field area | | hedge [ treerow | 
| | 
Real / : segment J| segment av a es Ÿ Pt rare ee — 
World / LL em me a uL mm erm em um eo TA Ren ss : 
i isa/is paralig with a short distance in bgween — , 
Amm mm nf m m] sn mm | i Re ec et te Ten si mm ra cme fn Fm re ce ss me] em: a N re ne am some J’ tn om 
, : : 
GIS- ATKIS-object ATKIS-object ||| ATKIS-object 
layer 5101, 5102, 510 | = a0 ^ 4202 
Geometry CoD ejongaled: | 2D compact |: 2D elongaled. 
d Material : water Sent bal 
and Materia P aedem. ek een DI eden ford, dede! |. Te, 
i" elongated "compad ^: elongated | ’compad {elongated | 
Image (CIR) dark region, : dark region, | derkregion, i ! light/dark :; light/dark 
ow NDVI : low NDVI i: low NDVI | 1 region low :! region, low  ' 
ee nes voue 31 vale |} : NOM vae ii NDVI value; 
legend ; 
“ ; ^ , te à” 3 special 
part of concrete of is a ns GIS-database M 3 
relation relation ? relation relation > ee 
Figurel. Semantic Model 

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