Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

2004 International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
a inherent spectral characteristic compared to July image. This 5 
Were introduced a reduction in the number of subclasses for each 3k 
class and therefore, an improvement was observed in the sí 
— accuracies of several classes and in the overall accuracy. The T 
overall accuracies of the classified original bands and the 
optimum four bands were quite close. The accuracy of the 
S classified PCA bands was found to be 69.294. In August, the 
overall accuracy of the parcel-based classified original bands 
was 70.8%. After applying the regional masking in the 
cem classification, the overall accuracy was computed as 73.894. 
Applying the multi-temporal masking technique together with 
the regional masking to original bands (1 to 5 and 7) of the 
+ August image provided an overall accuracy of 81% (Table 2) 
The improvement in the classification accuracy was gained 
A 2 = 
M Uncultivated/Bare soil 
Bl Pepper 
B Water melon 
2] Cauliflower 
Bb Ton: 
through the masking of the classes which were accurately 
puc classified on previous dates (May and July 2000). The resulting 
classification accuracy of the multi-temporal masking technique 
was 10% more accurate than the parcel-based classification of 
qe the original bands of the August image only. The 
multi: misclassifications might have been caused largely by spectral 
confusion which was not overcome through parcel-based Ë 
analyses, multi-temporal analyses, available ancillary data and g 
using remotely sensed data in hand. 5 : 
tep of #2 
ivated August Parcel-based Multitemporal a £j 
à with Producer's User's Producer's User's 3 
output Class Acc. % Acc. % Acc. % Acc. % 
gu : 2 
cation Corn 76.0 87.4 77.4 86.2 E <Z 
ımmer Residue 702. 0:989 933: 4000» f| 
Tomato 85.4 72.3 86.6 773 RS 
Sugar beet 60.4 95.3 80.0 100.0 5 
Clover 50.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Figure 4. The multi-temporal classification output of the 
Pasture 100.0 40.0 100.0 66.7 August image. 
tant = 
Bol m Pepper 50.9 32.9 52,8 38.4 
S Watermelon 57.1 80.0 6413. 750 
»pared, Unc/Bso 22.4 42.9 57.1 23.5 Nowadays, crop estimation and monitoring become one of the 
ses for Rise 90.0 75.0 80.0 100.0 major applications in remote sensing. In this study, mapping of 
Cauliflower 571 27.0 531 81.0 the summer (August) crops was performed using a multi- 
Overall 70.8 813 temporal masking technique together with the parcel-based 
à 'erall : ; anii sit = erede cs : 
of the T ; ; e : i oi ; analyses of the classified images. The discrimination of the 
: l'able 2. Producer's and User's accuracies for each class, for : > 
at was : gL agricultural land cover classes in the study area, Karacabey, 
: parcel-based and multitemporal analysis of August : : P ; * 
ccurate was carried out using variations in spectral responses 
E srt 
originali bands. : 
classes = s throughout the growing season. The proposed methodology 
y were ; ; nn includes a synergistic combination of maximum likelihood 
dv As a summary, the accuracies of the parcel-based classified u^ ; 
c study : : : : classifier, parcel-based analyses, and the multi-temporal 
^q August images were found to be higher than the July images. It : ; 
of the oa e masking technique. 
reels IS not logical to make a comparison with the May image since 
i oh the May image contains significantly less number of classes 
The limitation of the spatial resolution of Landsat 7 ETM+ was 
than the August image. The classified original all bands à sci ; ; 
to be © dis s = : overcome through fusing the multispectral bands with the 
; provided higher overall accuracies than the other classified ; Hp : GNE 
overall | = ar : j : panchromatic band. The spectral variations introduced within 
em fh band sets. However, several classes that provided low accuracy - E . : 
rom the nil s 2 ; : agricultural parcels were resolved through incorporating the 
ins {X m the classified original all bands yielded higher accuracy in ; : ; : : 
les 10 th a A im : e spatial context kept in a GIS vector polygon layer. The 
at and € other band sets. For example, the classified PCA channels s a >. i 
5% an f the . : classification accuracy attained from the parcel-based 
B Of the May image yielded an accuracy of 100 percent for iati ed ane . D(^ 
ng, n Clover. While the f Boel à t hieher] classification was improved after introducing the PC channels 
fi ‘> White the accuracy of sugar beet was 2 percent higher in : ; 
assified the classified PCA icr i e: | fi d pen | il b and the best four bands as well as masking the selected crops 
; assifie AA bands than the classified original all bands : ; ; ; ; 
bserved for Jui f e. classitied origina for which the phenological evolution were taken into 
ywer by fus. consideration. The class labels were assigned to each 
agricultural parcel in a field specific manner in the integration 
of remote sensing and GIS. The accuracy of the final classified 
y image data was increased from 70.8% (for parcel-based classification 
* eleven only) to 81.3% for the 2000 summer crops (August) 
( of the classification. 
of their 

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