Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
2.1 Indexing in Database Systems 
The main task of a database system (DBS) is to store large sets 
of data persistently. The database management system (DBMS) 
must support the insertion, modification and deletion of 
arbitrary data in arbitrary sequences. For this reason, the DBMS 
organizes the data in database blocks. The access to secondary 
storage (i.e. typically to hard disks) is performed blockwise, 
i.c., the access to a data record requires the transmission of (at 
least) one complete block that may store also non-required 
An index dynamically organizes the database blocks in order to 
accelerate the access to blocks containing records that fulfill 
some query condition(s) (e.g., all persons born in Istanbul). The 
data structures that are used for building and maintaining an 
index are called index structures. In current database systems, 
two types of index structures are most often used: B-trees and 
A B-tree is a dynamic balanced tree. Each of its nodes 
corresponds to a database block. B-trees store the data sorted 
according to a selected attribute. For processing a query, the 
tree is traversed starting at the most upper node (= the root): 
only subtrees are accessed that potentially refer to queried data. 
Figure 1 illustrates a B-tree. 
leaf node 
Figure 1. Example for a B-tree. 
Hashing computes the location of a block on secondary storage 
(i.e. the block address) using one or more selected attribute(s) 
of a record. This computation is done by a hash function. Figure 
2 depicts the hashing approach. Hashing supports efficiently 
exact match queries, i.e. the search for records with attribute 
value(s) that exactly match to the query condition (like in the 
above Istanbul example). However, hashing has efficiency 
problems either with handling uneven data distributions or with 
range queries (like finding all persons born in a city whose 
name starts with I). 
block addresses: 0 1 2 3 
32 9 14 11 
hash function: 18 15 
h : S(x) MOD 4 
Y Y 
26 27 
Figure 2. Example for hashing. 
2.2 Indexing Spatial Data and Point Data 
B-trees require a linear ordering of the data and hashing has — 
as mentioned before — problems with uneven data distributions 
or with range queries. Because of this reasons, conventional 
cannot be used — without extensions — for organizing spatial 
data. Therefore, special spatial access methods have been 
developed for spatial database systems and Geographical 
Information Systems. Point access methods allow organizing 
multidimensional points and rectangle access methods — in 
addition — the storage of extended multidimensional objects like 
rectangles, cuboids, and (in approximation) of polygons, arcs 
and solids. 
The grid file (Nievergelt et al., 1984) is an example for a 
multidimensional point access method. It is based on hashing. 
However, the hash function is replaced by a grid directory. This 
directory stores block addresses in its cells (see Figure 3). Grid 
files have performance deficits storing uneven or correlated 
distributed points. 
sr —""—— ^| grid directory 
data block 3 m. ries diy 
1 1 ST 
; i 
if oo o 
26 bd s : E 
! . | 
| 2 4 A data block 1 
data block 2 Li ir 
umm te Fil 
-10 7 25 
Figure 3. Example for a grid file. 
The partitioning of the data space by grid files has following 
e The region described by a database block (the so-called 
block region) is rectangular. 
e The data space is completely covered by the block regions. 
e The block regions do not overlap. 
However, for achieving efficient spatial access methods, at least 
one of these three properties must not hold (Seeger, 1989). 
2.3 Hash Trees 
Hash trees are multidimensional point trees that combine 
hashing with data structures derived from trees. A typical 
example of a hash tree is the BANG file (Balanced and Nested 
Grid File) developed by M. Freeston (1987). The BANG file is 
a hierarchical tree. The upper part of the tree is the directory 
and the leaf nodes store the real data (“data nodes”). The block 
regions of the directory nodes are based on a grid structure and 
represented by a (multidimensional) rectangle. In contrast to 
conventional grid files, a block region does not represent the 
complete area of this rectangle. Instead, the included rectangles 
of the smaller block regions in the same node are removed from 
the rectangle. In consequence, the shape of block regions is 
irregular and may consist of several, unconnected areas. 
Figure 4 shows a set of points organized by a BANG file. The 
points are distributed on an area having the shape of a sinus 
curve. The figure depicts the partitioning of the BANG file of 
all nodes having the same height in the tree. 

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