Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the 
The mission of the project includes: (Guney and Celik, 2004a) 
e modeling “GeoHistory” as a comprehensive 4D gco- 
processing model for historical documentation research 
with the help of historians in the project team defining the 
problems and expectations, 
e developing “Temporal (4D) SIS (TSIS)" of the fortresses 
since “life-history of the fortresses” changed continuously 
over time, 
e developing “Object-Oriented SIS (OO-SIS)" of the 
fortresses to abstract the reality on a business model more 
e developing *Virtual (3D) SIS (VSIS)" of the fortresses to 
allow the viewer to be immersed in the model, therefore 
increasing perception and realism, 
e developing “Internet SIS (Web SIS) or distributed SIS” of 
the fortresses to publish SIS application through world 
wide web (www) due to cost-effectiveness and wide 
e developing “Integrated SIS” of the fortresses to utilize 
spatiotemporal object data model (ST-Object model), 
e developing a web site of the project to manage the multi- 
participant SIS project on the Internet as an e-management, 
which transforms a data source into communication hub 
and an analysis tool effectively for project members and 
users to share information about the project and discover 
the fortresses and historical background of them. 
The strategic plan of the project includes following stages: 
(Guney and Celik, 2004a) 
e Making a project web site, 
e Breaking the SIS project into its components, 
« Data Modeling (database modeling and design), 
e — Nature of database, type of data, how stored etc. (database 
° 3co-Visualization, 
e Publishing through Internet, 
e Spatial Queries and Analyses. 
« Integrating all components, 
e SIS use and system maintenance. 
3. SIS MODEL: GeoHistory 
“GeoHistory” is temporal 4D (3D+Time) interactive SIS model 
with object-oriented approach based on multimedia application 
through Internet environment to model accurately and 
efficiently the life history of the fortresses. 
GeoHistory is being designed as a SIS model to support the 
“life history of the fortresses”. This model addresses both 
issues, by providing an innovative data modeling methodolog 
and an extension of the core functionality of an OO-DBMS, 
resulting in a Temporal Object-Oriented Database Management 
System, which provides the necessary basis for implementing 
and maintaining temporal applications for historical 
documentation of two Ottoman fortresses on Dardanelles. 
Using the GeoHistory, the expected benefits can be the 
formalization of temporal object oriented data, efficient and 
flexible historical data management, data synthesis and analysis 
through temporal information retrieval. 
The SIS model is an analytical tool whose forte is the 
representation of many data types in a single view. An 
integration of these two capabilities could equip the exploration 
art-historian with a very powerful decision making tool. 
Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
This SIS model, GeoHistory, which is an application with 
interactive interface on internet to manipulate the historical 
information, recreate and visualize the fortresses and the 
cemetery, consists of three modules: (Guney and Celik, 2004a) 
e  GeoHistoryRepository which is a data modeling and 
database component of the SIS project. 
e  GeoHistoryVirtualInterface which is a visualization 
component of the SIS project and the user accesses 
with web browser and walks around the fortresses in 
virtual environment. 
e  GeoHistoryQueryInterface which is an internet 
component of the SIS project and the user 
manipulates and displays the system. 
Building 3D models, storing them and providing a user 
interface to visualize and manipulate them require new database 
and graphic technologies and robust programming languages. 
What is really needed is a model such that all data and functions 
can be accessed and manipulated in one seamless programming 
environment. *GeoHistory" is being implemented in order to 
build an open, seamless development environment. This paper 
describes the design of *GeoHistory" and integration with its 
sub-components, such as *GeoHistoryRepository", 
“GeoHistoryVirtuallnterface”, and “GeoH istoryQueryInterface” 
and provides an efficient method of documenting historical 
3.1. Spatiotemporal Object Data Model and Database 
Component: GeoHistoryRepository 
Organizing three-dimensional (3D) and time-dependent data in 
a SIS is a key issue when using SIS for documentation, 
preservation, restoration projects of historical sites to support 
decision making based on analysis of and reasoning on 
geographic data of historical phenomena. Hence, a SIS data 
model has to be developed and implemented to meet the 
requirements of different kinds of users like specialists of art- 
history, history, architecture, archaeology, etc. The multi- 
dimensional data model should be general enough to allow the 
integration of data types from each scientific domain in the 
project. (Guney et al., 2004) 
Conventional SIS data models emphasize static representations 
of reality. Object data model of the fortresses scems adequate to 
research the fortresses. Problem appears, however, in modeling 
the phenomenon of “life history of the fortresses” since the 
phenomenon has been continuously changed over time. Since 
life history of the fortresses is dynamic information such a life 
history can only be modeled with the spatiotemporal object data 
model (ST-Object model) in temporal SIS. This paper proposes 
a data model *GeoHistoryRepository", the development of this 
spatiotemporal SIS data model and its applicability to 
documentation of the 17" century fortresses to make queries 
involving spatial and temporal relationships. 
“GeoHistoryRepository” which is an open-ending data model 
and database component of the “GeoHistory” is being 
developed for efficient SIS data maintenance and management. 
It makes use of a spatiotemporal object data model for 
describing various types of dynamic changes of SIS data, 
manipulating data in multidimensional space including time. 
*GeoHistoryRepository" is being developed as a dynamic SIS 
data model that recognizes the composite structure of historical 
data objects. At the heart of the system is a sophisticated object- 
oriented data modeling approach with the support of temporal 
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