Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
performed on Java applet, and its result is visualized in VRML 
world. The result may also be presented in textual (numerical) 
or graphical form in *GeoHistoryVirtualInterface" as a. GUI. 
(Guney and Celik, 2004b) 
“GeoHistoryRepository” being developed based on 
spatiotemporal object-oriented database management systems 
provides a database programming interface (DBAPI) which is 
generated by Common Gateway Interface (CGI) scripts to 
extend a database with user defined data types, and functions 
such as VRML and to allow database access from within 
“GeoHistoryVirtualInterface”. VRML documents are used to 
portray 3D graphics (spatial data). The approach for the 
integration of database technology and VRML let the users to 
query, modify and interact with remote spatial databases in the 
concept of 3D SIS. The multi-tier client-server architecture 
provides to complete queries, visualize results and explore 3D 
The user has access to the VRML document with a click option 
and can visually choose an object (e.g. turkish bath). The first 
click on the door of the Turkish bath will allow the user to enter 
inside. The second click on the indoor will show the 
architectural plan and the gravure of main part of Turkish bath. 
The third click on a button will display the achieve information 
about the Turkish bath, and so forth. In such an example, 
network analysis might be realized using CGI scripts in each 
mouse click. Query-Result sections will be integrated using CGI 
and Java scripts. 
Figure 3 displays how VRML files produced in the project. 
Figure 4 shows the methodology and technologies used for 
developing the “GeoHistoryQuerylnterface”. Figure 5 presents 
a capture of “GeoHistoryQueryInterface”. 
3.3. Internet Component: GeoHistoryQueryInterface 
Access to spatial data and interactive database applications with 
querying capabilities over the internet is growing rapidly. 
Internet has already been one of the important developing 
platforms of SIS, the function of SIS has been extended by 
Internet, and furthermore it becomes a kind of new SIS 
architecture. The current paradigm shift involves the migration 
of application software from individual desktop computers into 
an internet-based client/server architecture. (Guney and Celik, 
2003b) As a result, it is seen large-scale development of SIS 
applications that can be accessed by a great number of users 
through a web browser interface. Internet SIS is a network- 
centric SIS technology that uses the Internet and the World 
Wide Web as a primary means of providing access to the 
functionality (i.c., analysis tools, mapping capability) of SIS 
and to the spatial data and other data needed for various SIS 
applications. (Guney et al., 2004) 
Major advantages of web-based SIS system: (Broten, 2003) 
e . SIS client software is not required since SIS software is 
installed only on the server. Therefore, SIS access is free 
of charge (unless a charge is imposed on the server 
connection). However, some map servers may require 
installation of a plug-in to run the software. 
e The client interface is the web browser. All the user needs 
for access a web browser such as Netscape or Internet 
Explorer with a connection to the Internet. 
e The end user does not need special SIS training or skills. 
The internet has brought SIS, high quality maps and virtual 3D 
applications to any internet user's web browser, which has 
changed the science of SIS in recent years. Web distribution of 
SIS is related to the forms of 2D or 3D web mapping. Current 
forms of output for 2D maps from SISs are many and include 
bitmap, gif and pdf. An attractive format is VRML for 
distributing 3D SIS output. VRML browsers work as plug-ins 
for common Web browsers and are currently available for most 
“GeoHistoryQueryInterface” module based on the multi-tier 
client/server web SIS architecture is an interactive geo-query 
tool designed to promote the usage consisting of a large geo- 
database, *GeoHistoryRepository", with querying capabilities 
that includes the ability to output results in a map-based format 
using a SIS. This web-interface developed contains an 
application that enables query and extraction of the information 
belonging to fortresses and interactive mapping. 
This study is focused in the reconstruction of the fortresses of 
«Seddülbahir^ and *Kumkale" and the cemetery of *Kumkale" 
in the virtual environment. This application helps the project 
members, architects, archeologist and art historian to centralize 
database, predicts the cultural heritage after recreation and 
provides history information for people who are interested in. 
Therefore, this study is very interesting for tourists and people 
who are trying to discover the past. 
The modules of “GeoHistory”, *GeoHistoryRepository- 
GeoHistory VirtualInterface-GeoHistoryQuerylInterface", is 
being linked each other with hyperlinks and internet 
programming like scripts of Java, PHP and worked together on 
web. Whilst the project has been successful in that it hides the 
size and complexity of the system behind an easy to use 
interface, the real success of “GeoHistory” has been the 
development of a SIS optimized for use over the Internet that 
integrates various technologies in a model. Once completed the 
integrated SIS of the fortresses can be used to discover the 
fascinating past of these historic structures, and to discover the 
present problems that face these cultural heritage sites. 
In developing the system, GeoHistory, the system providers are 
utilizing various visualization and interaction techniques, web 
and database technologies adequate for this specific SIS 
application of historical documentation. In addition, by 
evaluating its usefulness in its final field of application the 
providers hope to define techniques that could also be used in 
other SIS projects. 
It can be concluded that the usage of temporal SIS instead of 
conventional SIS will be unavoidable and dominant within SIS 
market in the near future. 
Both the production of maps and the development of the SIS of 
the fortresses have been realizing in the laboratory of “1GS- 
ISTA Satellite Observation and Processing Laboratory" In 
Istanbul Technical University. Any one who is interested in the 
project can follow the progress and other publications on the 
integrated SIS project with the project web address 
It is due to the generosity of the Alywin Cotton Foundation, 
Fondation Max van Berchem, the National Endowment of the 
the F 
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