Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing 
into different tiles and we only serve up the tiles that are 
necessary to make that part of the image appear. 
Base layer 
Figure 3.1. Image Pyramid 
4. Implementation of the System 
Working with the pyramid on the server side, GSN client is 
easily to be designed. The easiest and highest performance 
solution is to keep an image pyramid which is the same as the 
pyramid on the server side. 
Firstly, GSN builds an image pyramid on the server side for a 
large high-resolution image. Some information is needed to 
notice GSN client: the original image resolution, the bounding 
box of the image, the maximum pyramid level and the minimal 
pyramid level. On the same time, every pyramid image in 
different level needs to be cut to small image partitions 
(128X128, 256X256 or more) In GSN system, they are 
represented by Image Objects. 
Secondly, an image pool is needed to store images which have 
been downloaded from server. This pool acts as a cache of your 
web browsers or windows file systems. In fact, it is not only a 
cache which serves GSN client, but also an image server on the 
client side. Instead communicating with GSN server, GSN 
client send image requests to this image pool. The image pool 
will transfer and store image partitions to the client side. While 
the client request images, it will search the image pool first, if 
image is in pool, it will send the image partitions requested to 
display module. Otherwise, it will forward requests from 
: Transmit 
- required i 
Objects Add Image 
2 from Object to ... 
Add Image 
Object to ... 
and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
display module to the server if the requested images are 
unavailable from the pool. 
Finally, an overview image needs to be stored in GSN client. It 
is important to generate image overviews so that users can 
familiarize themselves with large-scale imagery features. 
Getting lost in the trees really can happen when viewing 
forested images. Having an overview image makes viewing a 
large image much the same as viewing a map. Users can 
quickly identify roads, landmarks and water bodies in 
overviews, then zoom in on regions of interest. Without an 
overview, or at least geographically coordinated displays, most 
users quickly become frustrated with orientation. Additionally, 
an overview image can help image pool response users' request 
as soon as possible. Users' operation is usually unpredictable. 
Therefore, it will easily happen that the images requested by 
users are not in image pool. In order to present map smoothly 
without “black” screen, GSN image pool will return images re- 
sampled from overview image immediately to display module. 
The users’ operation will be seamless. 
It looks like two modules are needed for expand GSN client. 
Actually, the GSN client should be divided to four modules and 
each module itself must be a thread. They run concurrently but 
without interrupting and communicating with each other. 
e Display Module 
This module has four features: response to all users’ 
operations from both mouse and keyboard, drawing map 
or images to users’ screen, all APIs related with map 
presentation, and all APIs about map analysis. 
e Image Pool Module 
This module has three features: process users’ requests, 
store images loaded from server and manage pool. 
e Draw Image Object Module 
It will draw Image Object on users’ screen. In this paper, 
Image Object refers to basic elements which consist of 
image pyramid. 
e Image Streaming Transmission Module 
This module communicates with GSN server and gets 
GSN client required Image Objects. It can transmit Image 
Objects either serially or concurrently. 
Operate map 
image from 
Draw map to 
Figure 4.1. Improved GSN client structure 
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