Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

Robert Päquet 
School of Engineering, University of Newcastle 
Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia 
KEY WORDS: registration, algorithms, laser scanning, GPS, DEM/DTM, accuracy, matching, adjustment 
This paper demonstrates the use of a matching algorithm to register an ALS data set to a reference surface composed 
of ground points obtained using kinematic stop-and-go GPS. The matching algorithm minimises the normal distances 
between the points of the ALS data set and the facetted reference surface. A particular feature of this experiment is to 
sample the reference surface in several high density patches, rather than spreading the sampling evenly over the surface. 
The resulting triangulated reference surface is composed of several patches of small triangles in an environment of ex- 
tremely large triangles. The weighting technique adopted was based on interpolation errors, which are estimated using 
autocorrelation theory. A spatial covariogram is generated and the interpolation errors are determined using an exponen- 
tial function fitted on the experimental covariogram. In practice, the accurate registration of ALS data is important, as it 
provides the foundation of DEMs used in sensitive areas such as flood studies. The method presented has proven to be a 
very successful tool and is an improvement on existing methods. 
The registration of data sets in the same coordinate sys- 
tem is essential for the fusion of data obtained from simi- 
lar or different sources. The determination of the registra- 
tion accuracy by commercial firms is often undertaken by 
comparing points of one surface to heights interpolated be- 
tween points on the other surface. The last few years have 
seen research undertaken in the development of surface 
matching algorithms to automate the registration. High re- 
dundancy is achieved with these algorithms, as each point 
of one surface can potentially participate in the formation 
of a normal equation for a least squares adjustment. These 
algorithms should become an important tool for data fu- 
sion, especially with data acquisition techniques such as 
airborne laser scanning (ALS), which lack thematic infor- 
This paper presents a weighted least squares surface match- 
ing algorithm developed at the University of Newcastle, 
Australia. The weighting technique used in the algorithm 
permits a surface to be registered accurately to a reference 
surface with that reference surface covering 20% of the 
other surface only. 
The accuracy of the registration is related to the density of 
the reference data (referred to as S, in this paper) and, to a 
lesser degree, to the roughness ofthe surface. A distinction 
is made between the precision of the matching, defined by 
the residuals of the least squares, and the accuracy of the 
registration, which compares the matched points of the sec- 
ond surface to their true position. The second surface is the 
data set which is transformed by the least squares match- 
ing algorithm in the coordinate system of Sy: it is referred 
to as 55 in this paper. 
The aim ofthis paper is to present the weighted least squares 
software and to demonstrate its performance through an 
application. The application involves registering a set 59 
of 27,000 points in the coordinate system of 9,, a set of 
900 points. S; is a patchy set obtained with stop-and-go 
global positioning system method (GPS), while 5» is a set 
of points filtered from a larger set sampled with an airborne 
laser scanner. 
2.1 Least squares Matching Algorithm 
2.1.1 Background: Surface matching, also referred to 
as registration without control points, describes an auto- 
mated method used to find the parameters of a transfor- 
mation which minimises the separation between two 2.5D 
surfaces. Early matching algorithms were presented by 
Rosenholm and Torlegärd (1988) and Ebner and Strunz 
(1988). In both instances, better results were reported us- 
ing a gridded DEM to orient photogrammetric data than 
with conventional methods. Similar methods are used in 
deformation studies and monitoring (Pilgrim, 1996). Reg- 
istration methods using a control surface are justified par- 
ticularly in areas where permanent control markers are not 
possible (abdominal deformation in pregnancy (Karras and 
Petsa, 1993)), unethical (dental erosion (Mitchell, 1995; 
Mitchell and Chadwick, 1998, 1999)) or impractical (coastal 
erosion (Buckley, 2003; Mills et al., 2003)). Maas (2002) 
developed a least squares matching (LSM) technique for 
laser scanner data strips adjustment: systematic deforma- 
tions due to GPS/INS systems are corrected by solving for 
the three shift parameters T'x, Ty and Tz. 
The algorithms mentioned minimise the difference in heights 
between the points of one surface to the facets of the other 
surface. The algorithm presented in this research min- 
imises the normal distances between the points of 55 t0 
to ir 

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