Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing 
Definition 3 Degree of Proximity. If the count of linking edge 
whose two nodes are on contour lines c; and C» respectively is 
Nj», the count of valid nodes of €, to cz is N,,» and the count of 
valid nodes of c» to €, is N,>,, then the degree of proximity of c, 
to c5 is: 
Dict 62) 7 Nu»! Nus 
And the degree of proximity of c; to ¢ is: 
D(c», cj) * N,»/ Na, 
And the degree of proximity of contour pair (c», c;) is: 
Dc:;c,-Max(D(c,, c5), D(c», c;)) 
2.3 Construction of Topological Relation of Contour Lines 
By construction of topological relation of contour lines, we 
mean the relation should be stored explicitly or can be retrieved 
directly. We take contour lines as the nodes of contour tree 
structure. After the CDT is constructed on the contour map, this 
relation is not difficult to be obtained by traversing the 
triangulation network and counting the third type edges. The 
node structure corresponding contour line which is used to 
record the topological relation in the implementation is as 
below. It has three array items which record the contour lines 
who have relation Nj, N., and N, with this contour line 
respectively. Some pairs of contour lines who are 0-order 
proximal may not be detected directly by traversal, e.g. the 
contour lines with one elevation interval difference above the 
saddle regions. According to previous section, this relation can 
be derived from existing ones. Just as in figure 3, figure 3(b) is 
the recorded relation table of figure 3(a), and there is not third 
type CDT edges between set Node 
contour e and f, however we { 
can see that it is true that long *HighNeighbor: 
Ní(d)-e, Ni(d)-f e and f long *LowNeighbor; 
are on the same side of d, long *EquaNeighbor:; 
then we have 
No(e)=/ } 
HighNeighbor | LowNeighbor  EquaNeighbor 
da bc 
b d a c 
c a b 
d ef b 
e d f 
f d e 
H(e)-H(d)=H(d)-H(b)=H(b)-H(a)= AH 
H(e)=H(1). H(b)=H(c) 
Figure 3 Construction and management of topological relation 
of contour lines 
and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV , Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
As mentioned above, contour lines are directional. Any 
meaningful operation on contour should be based on the 
consistency of the direction of contour lines over the entire map. 
As a matter of fact the direction is a relative concept on this 
point and in order to adjust the contour lines to “left high and 
right low”, the default direction setting in this paper, there must 
be a reference contour line. The reference contour line either 
has different elevation or has the same elevation and has been 
adjusted to the default direction. Regarding this property the 
algorithm implemented in our research has two stages which 
handle different situations sequentially. The detailed algorithm 
is demonstrated in figure 4. 
Input: contour map and CDT on it. Output: contour map 
with the right direction. 
I Set a is the contour that need be adjusted. If a is 
null then go to II, otherwise go to 2; 
2 Set P,, and P, are two sequential nodes on a. If 
Pis null then a is passed waiting for process in II, 
otherwise go to 3; 
3 ParPaz is a CDT object edge. Set P,, and P;> are 
two nodes who form triangles with P,P, on either 
I side and on other contour lines; 
4 If Py; or Py is on contour line ^ and 5 satisfies 
No(a) #b(assuming P;;), go to 5, otherwise go back 
to 2: 
5 If Ni(a)-b and P4, is on the right of B B SOIN. 
ı(a)=b and Py; is on the left of Palaz 20:10. 06, 
otherwise go back to |; 
6 Reverse the order of points chain of a. go back to 
step Lt: 
| Set a is the contour that need be adjusted. If a is 
null then break iteration and exit, otherwise eo to 2: 
2 Find two sequential nodes P,, and P,» on a where 
exists a third node P,, on a processed contour line ^ 
forming triangle with edge P,,P,. If find nothing 
then go back to 1; 
I| 3 Find two sequential nodes P,, and P,; on b where 
exist a third node P,,, on a forming triangle with edge 
Py; Py. If find nothing then go back to 1; 
4 If Py, is on the left (right) of P,P, and Pan IS-0Ù 
the left (right) of P,,P,; then set a as processed, 
otherwise reverse the order of points chain of a. go 
back to II -1. 
Figure 4 The two-step process of adjusting contour lines to 
default direction 
+= d:40 
— b:40 
Pb; | Pa, § 
Figure 5 Adjustment of equal-elevation contour lines’ direction 

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