04 International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4 . Istanbul 2004
In the early and late recovery stages, and in normal times information like Fig. 4. The temporal factors can be resolved
when time pressures are not so intense, the information into four factors: generation start time (GS), generation end
processing system should be positioned as a disaster time (GE), extinction start time (ES), and extinction end
prevention system. time (EE) (Fig. 5). If the dates of generation and extinction
In this Duzce case, the system they need in 2 above is cannot be identified, it is also possible to represent temporal
considered as a disaster prevention system. However, in the error using these factors.
| frequent natural disaster stricken area like Japan and Turkey, 4.1.2 The concept of feature space
| it is important to design software to be able to use not only in
fecovery and normal stages but in all stages ss In order to utilize the data structure explained in 4.1.1
hae efficiently and to calculate the topological structure, the
concept of feature space is introduced in the KIWI+ format.
4. SPATIAL TEMPORAL GIS "DIMSIS" (1) Definition of feature space
A set of objects with the same type ID is called a class
To realize the technical issues of the RARMIS concept, we group. In accordance with the objects they comprise, class
: : te re oy groups can be classified into vector class groups and
have been developing the spatial temporal GIS “DIMSIS connector class groups. A set of correlated multiple vector
and KIWI+ database structure. class groups and multiple connector class groups is defined
as a feature space.
4.1 KIWI+ Format (A Spatial Temporal & Simple (2) Spatial temporal analysis using feature space
Topology - Open Database Schema: ST2-ODS) A feature space has a physical significance as a factor in
term$ of spatial temporal analysis. As such, there are four
types of feature space: point, line, area, and solid feature
| The KIWI+ format is our proposed original format for space (Fig. 6).
| spatial temporal GIS [3] [4]. In this format, spatial temporal Defined as factors in a topological relationship, these
| objects can be handled on the basis of temporal management correspond to points, lines, areas, and solids. Spatial
| using the Space-Time Approach model [4], and by temporal analysis is performed in feature space by relating
| describing objects using the implicit description and vectors, which comprise geometric information, and
calculation type of data model [5], a Compact, connectors, in which attribute information is linked. Because
| casy-to-understand structure is obtained. In the following these relationships are calculated in real time when a
| sections, the characteristics of this system are described. processing command has occurred. it is possible to
dynamically | supplement objects corresponding to
| 4.1.1 Database Structure topological structures.
The KIWI+ describes all geographical information in the 4.2 System Constitution
forms of two elements: vector for shaping graphic data, and
connector for relating attribute data (Fig.3). Each element DiMSIS has the constitution shown in Fig. 7. Core
| has the following configuration, with the geographical data subsystem is made as OCX, so you can make the application
incorporating spatial temporal information being the main program on several development environments (i.e. Visual
component: Basic, Delphi, Borland C++).
| (1) Vector element (VE): A VE is composed of the (1) Geographie data comprised of vectors and connectors
following main factors: element type ID, 2D co-ordinate (KIWI+ format)
| sequence, Z information and T information. (2) Core subsystem that executes management, plotting, and
(2) Connector element (CE): A CE is composed of the search of geographic data
following main factors: element type ID, 2-D coordinate (3) Initializing information including feature space
point, Z information, T information, as well as key definitions
information such as the display information and grouping (4) Application subsystem that constructs a GUI and refers
information. to and renews the attribute database
Z information has height and height displacement (5) Attribute database related to connector information
n X
Displacement = | {777 F7- gl —— Exist
rl \ Height y Not Exist
s information t
f \ GS. GE ES EE
> ; Reference plane
: VE 4 Ponts j
5 Fig.3 VE and CE Fig.4 Z Information Fig.5 T Information