Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 | Internc 
Line connected with Pol with 6. 
Connector Element olygon connected wit Vector | 
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(1) Line Analysis Space (2) Area Analysis Space | | ) 
Fig.6 Feature Space (Line, Area) | da 
| no 
| 3) 
Application Subs | e 
PP ystem LÀ | cra 
A | co 
A Core Subsystem | > 
_ Jb | : 
; Geographic Data (KIWI+ format tim lim 
Attribute ha M OOSFapic. Ha (KIWI: formal), Initializing | 6. 
Database I i | 
Vectors Connectors formation 8e 
Fig.7 System Constitution | 
| dar 
; - rel: 
5. CONSTRUCTION OF DAMAGE DATABASE AND can make an extended analysis by adding refuge pattern data | by 
after the first and second earthquakes and also monitor the | dar 
DAMAGE ANALYSIS SYSTEM BASED ON SPATIAL recovery process after the disaster. More expansive results | si | 
TEMPORAL INFORMATION SYSTEM as well as recovery supports are expected by storing the | NT 
information over time | de 
SOME iu ; uri The GIS data for the Uzunmustafar area in Düzce city, 2 
The application of DiMSIS to analysis of damage and which is the target area of this research. Fig. 8 shows an | Thi 
recovery after two earthquakes in Turkey is different from example of the constructed database. | m 
the case of application to Hanshin-A wa]! Earthquake. Firstly, | zt 
damage and recovery data related to photograph were . ean É ; | 
constructed by public officers in Düzce. After Fig. 8 Damage and Recovery Situation after the First and | 
Hanshin-Awaji — Earthquake, DiMSIS evolved to 
multi-country adaptive system. Multi-language can be 3 brig 3 VA ines re 
used in DiMSIS and functional developing kits are available Chen) init sieur Ru 
in Turkish to build local people's own system according t Áo ARE TE o us M as 
with their preferences or regional cultures. Duzce's case vo s 2 e. la Y ic n contu 
shows that multi-country adaptive concept as well as other rie] ei Li Q5 
system concepts is accepted by local people. Secondly, on SM er PS 
damage and recovery analysis after two earthquakes damage 4 zm s md i 
really requires spatial-temporal information of people’s {Sud wi 7 s [o 
activity as well as damage. If the second earthquake tits S rir E für 
occurrence day and time are changed, the result on number kb corp Am: . Ch 
of causalities might have been changed. Spatial-temporal . : : ". a 
analysis approach is necessary for Düzce ’s case to Nu M * 
- $15 
understand the potential impact of two earthquakes. In CS S ; T EU 
addition, impacts of two earthquakes may cause larger [A oo aus $2 New building @ O © ® Damage information after the first carthquake 
mental damage for the people in this area compared to just | 
e Ee E es) CAR Le E ANO Second Earthquakes (Small Damage, Medium Damage etc.) 
context is necessary. To reconstruct building damage data in 
spatial-temporal format is the first step to investigate further 
research on Turkey Earthquakes. Mapping of the building 
damage due to the two earthquakes can be done by other 
GISs, but a spatial-temporal GIS has the advantage that we 

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