Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Imput Image 
Contour Image 
0 5:960 
0 | : "360 
Hough Space Hough Space Histogram 
Figure 5: Intermediate Results for a Cut of an Input Image of 1988 
Table 1: Results of Building Detection 
Number | Evaluated Detection | Branch 
Result Percentage | Factor 
| 1983 75.396 42.9% 
2 1988 86.2% 36.2% 
3 1988 multitemporal 82.7% 36.0% 
4 2001 96.8% 37.9% 
5 2001 multitemporal 97.2% 41.4% 
To evaluate the multitemporal approach a building detection tool 
for a GIS verification application was assumed. For this task the 
region-based and structural classifier were combined. Only de- 
tected building hypothesis that overlap with the class inhabited in 
the region-based classification result are taken as a building (cp. 
figure 7). The others are unconsidered for the evaluation. 
The evaluation is based on manually segmented buildings in the 
input images of 1983 to 2001 (see manually detected buildings 
in the input image of 2001 in figure 7). Two measurements for 
a detection evaluation described in (Lin and Nevatia, 1998) were 
100 - TP 
detection percentage = TPT TN (5) 
; 106 - FP 
branch factor = TPT FD (6) 
The two measurements are calculated by making a comparison 
of the manually detected buildings and the automatic results, 
where TP (true positive) is a building detected by both a per- 
son and GEOAIDA , FP (false positive) is a building detected by 
GEOAIDA but not a person, and TN (true negative) is a build- 
ing detected by a person but not by GEOAIDA . A building is 
considered detected if the main part (min 5096) of the building is 
detected; an alternative could be to require that a certain fraction 
of the building is detected. 
The developed approach shows how temporal knowledge can 
be used in an automatic image interpretation system. Temporal 
knowledge is modeled in a state transition diagram, the probabili- 
ties for state transitions are used as a priori knowledge for a linear 
regression classifier. 
The approach was tested on a dataset containing aerial images 
acquired in 1983, 1988 and 2001. Three object classes are differ- 
entiated: Inhabited area, forest and agriculture. A region-based 
linear regression classifier uses features like shadiness, unifor- 
mity, contour angularity and straight contour lines to interpret the 
For the images of 1988 and 2001 temporal knowledge in terms of 
a previous classification and a state transition diagram was used. 
Both images were also processed without temporal knowledge to 
compare the results. 
To evaluate the multitemporal approach a building detection tool 
for a GIS verification application was assumed. The results in 
table 1 show that the proposed multitemporal approach is appli- 
cable. The multitemporal result of 2001 shows less confusion 
between the classes agriculture and forest than the monotemporal 
result. Additional tests are necessary to measure the advantage of 
a multitemporal approach in comparison with a monotemporal. 
The multitemporal approach was tested in the focus of GIS verifi- 
cation, other possible applications are the detection of alteration, 
environmental studies, the development of urban areas and the 
examination of natural disasters. 
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