Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
apparent resemblance in shape and position. The discrepancies 
between the data sets based on the different ways of 
acquisition, modelling and updating have been described at the 
beginning. But due to the diversity in digitizing the analogue 
geoscientific source maps and the data modelling of ATKIS, 
objects representing the same real-world objects differ in the 
number and geometry of segments (see Fig. 2) 
Thus, investigating corresponding partners between the ATKIS 
and the geoscientific data sets, would lead not only to 
unsatisfying results but to relation errors. Therefore the 
investigation for corresponding objects has to be performed 
based on the aggregation of segments. 
Using an overlapping test and by evaluating the overlap-area 
composed to the area of the segments to be tested, selection sets 
will be build, these selection sets will be stored as aggregated 
groups (with 1 to n elements). In order to find valid 
correspondences, all possible pairs of combination of neighbour 
objects will be checked against each other in the search process 
(see Fig. 3). Alternatively, we can use a breadth search 
procedure for finding the object clusters. 
Fig. 2 : Segmented objects from the reference data set ATKIS 
(left image), and from the geological map (right 
In order to define the neighborhood, either a buffer with a fixed 
distance or a triangulation can be used. A parameter free 
approach to identify clusters is based on an hierarchy of 
neighborhood graphs (Anders 2003). 
5.3.2 Geometry based matching 
The matching of the selection sets (e.g. the aggregated 
segments) will be checked individually using different 
In the current prototype the following measures for determining 
object similarity are used: 
eHausdorff distance: The length of the greatest local 
deviation between the two shapes. The lower the 
deviation, the higher the score. 
eSymmetric difference: The areas found in one shape 
only. The more the two shapes overlap, the lower the 
symmetric difference, and the higher the score. 
eCompactness difference: The difference between each 
shape's compactness, which is the area-to-perimeter 
ratio. The more similar the compactness of the two 
shapes, the higher the score. 
eAngle Histogramm: The difference between each 
shape's angle histogram, which is a histogram of the 
angles that the segments make with the positive x- 
axis, weighted by segment length. The more similar 
the histograms for the two shapes, the higher the 
For each geometric criterion a result between 0 and 1 is 
calculated and the mean value for each correspondence is 
evaluated. Different combinations of segments from the 
selection set of one data set are tested with the corresponding 
selection set (e.g the combinations of segments) from another 
data set . The highest result between to segment combinations 
will be kept as link. This process will be repeated until no more 
appropriate links can be established. 
| data set A | 
(geometry based matching ) 
E rm 
| data set B | 
Fig. 3 : Selection set for geometry based matching between 
objects from two different data sets. 
Once the correspondences between the selection sets have been 
found in the matching step, it has to be decided, whether the 
objects correspond exactly or if they differ due to update 
processes, which have been applied to one data set, but not to 
the other one. The automatic investigated links will be 
visualized to the operator, but before the next step — the change 
detection — will be performed, a manual correction of the links 
will be possible. Depending on geometric descrepancies, 
different types of change can be identified (see section 6.1). 
Objects which have been selected through geometric integration 
and have been considered as a matching pair could be 
investigated for change detection. A simple intersection of 
corresponding objects is used for the change detection. Yet, the 
mentioned differences may cause even more problems which 
are visible as discrepancies in position, scale and shape. These 
discrepancies will lead to unsatisfying results and make the 
evaluation of the resulting elements almost impossible (Fig. 4). 
Therefore firstly, a local transformation will be applied, leading 
to a better geometric correspondence of the objects. To this end, 
the iterative closest point algorithm (ICP) developed by (Besl & 
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Fig. 4 : Re 
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