Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
matching the laser points of common objects such as wall and 
poles by manual operation. An interface that manually handles 
these procedures is implemented on the software, thus we can 
easily calibrate a number of laser scanners. A detailed description 
on registering multiple laser scanners can be found in Zhao and 
Shibasaki, 2001. 
2.2 Pedestrian Detection 
The flow of pedestrians’ tracking is roughly divided into three 
parts: 1) Background subtraction, 2) Pedestrian recognition, 3) 
Pedestrian tracking. Procedure of how to compute these pro- 
cesses in this research is described as follows. A detailed descrip- 
tion on following algorithms can be found in Zhao and Shibasaki, 
2.2.1 Background subtraction: In each sampling angle of 
range scanning, a histogram is generated using range values from 
all range frames being examined. A peak value above a certain 
threshold is found out, which tells that an objects is continuously 
measured at the identical direction, i.e. the static objects. The 
background image is made up of the peak values at all sampling 
angles. As a result, by calculating the difference between range 
images to the background image, we can get only the moving 
2.2.2 Pedestrian Recognition: — This part consists of the two 
processes: 1) clustering process that detects a pedestrian foot. 2) 
grouping process that groups two feet to have a pedestrian candi- 
Multiple points hit a pedestrians’ foot because of high angle- 
resolution (0.5 degree). Therefore, close-by points are firstly 
grouped to one typical point using a centroid. We assume a 
number of points gathering within 10cm distance as a leg. Next, 
grouping process is conducted by grouping two detected feet within 
the 30cm distance. In this process, trajectory tracking is firstly 
conducted by extending the trajectories that have been extracted 
in previous frames, then looking for the seeds of new trajectories 
from the foot candidates that are not associated to any existing 
2.2.3 Pedestrian Tracking: When a normal pedestrian goes 
forward, one of the typical appearances is, at any moment, one 
foot swings by pivoting on the other. Two feet interchange their 
roles by landing and moving shifts so that the pedestrian steps 
forward. According to the ballistic walking model proposed by 
Mochon and McMahon, 1980, muscles act only to establish an 
initial position and velocity of the feet at the beginning half of 
the swing phase, then remain inactive throughout the rest half of 
the swing phase. 
Here initial position refers to where swing foot and stance foot 
meets together. Let v; and v be the speed, a; and ag be the ac- 
celeration, p; and pg be the position of left and right foot respec- 
tively, where both speed, acceleration and position are restricted 
to a horizontal plane, and relative to the two-dimensional global 
coordinate system that has been addressed in previous sections. 
In the case |v;| > |v], left foot swings forward by pivoting on 
right foot. At the beginning half of the swing phase, the left foot 
shifts from rear to initial position, and swings from standing still 
at an accelerated speed. Here the acceleration |a;| is a function of 
à ; | 
| | | 
2 o- ———— — — - | 
| | | , | 
| | | 
Or dam ss — ———— En. m. a. $— e 
{ | 
| | | 
| beh DELL -» 
i | | 
| | 
| Ï 
Velosity | | 
Phase 2 
Phase 3 
Both still Right accelerate Right speed Right decelerate Both still Right keep still Left speed to Right keep still Both still 
Lefl keep stil! 1o the Left keep still Left accelerale the maximum Left decelerate 
Figure 2: Pedestrian Walking Model 
muscles strength. We define |a,| = f; (muscle strength). During 
the rest half of the swing phase, the left foot shifts from initial 
to front position, or swings with a negative acceleration from the 
maximum speed to standing-still status. Here the negative accel- 
eration |a;| comes from factors other than left foot muscles. 
We define |a; | — - f; (other forces). During the whole swing phase, 
the right foot keeps almost still, so it has |v;| ~ 0 and lar: = 
0. In the same way, we can deduce the speed and accelera- 
tion parameters when right foot swings forward by pivoting on 
left foot, where acceleration |ap| = Jr(Muscle strength) lan] = - 
Jr(other forces) at the beginning and end half of swing phase re- 
spectively, [vg] = 0 and |agz| ~ 0 during the whole swing phase. In 
this research, we simplify the pedestrian model by assuming that 
the acceleration and deceleration on both feet from either muscle 
strength or other forces (|a; ;4|) are equal and constant during each 
swing phase, and they have only smooth changes as the pedes- 
trian steps forward. Figure 2 shows an example of the simplified 
pedestrian model. 
As has been described in previous section, pedestrian model con- 
sists of three kinds of state parameters, position (pr), speed 
(vse), and acceleration (ay). Position and speed vectors of each 
pedestrian change continuously shown in figure 2, while acceler- 
ation parameters change by swing phase in a discontinuous way. 
A discrete Kalman filter is designed in this research by dividing 
the state parameters into two vectors as follows. 
Skn = Qs, 1n + Vus n + Ww (1) 
Where, sy, consists of the positions and speed vectors of both 
feet of pedestrian n at range frame K, while uy, consists of the 
acceleration parameters. c is the state estimation error. 
Vr ( 2) 
VR kn 
VR o 

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