Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
issued by query interfaces are executed by QPM based on a 
moving objects model. 
Buffer Management Module (BMM): Because of high cost of 
insert transaction, it is difficult for the LSM to process every 
requests of location insertion from QPM directly. This is the 
reason why BMM exists We designed every requests 
transferred from QPM into LSM through BMM. BMM do not 
issue insert request to LSM immediately. Instead, it maintains a 
memory buffer to gather insertion requests for a specific period, 
and issue one insertion request to LSM. 
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| €«rénded SQL far mosca ober: 
: Query Processing Module ; 
(Lesstion & Attribute) ; 
Intertil, Search]) 1 ScK 
: | ob te | Attribute Storage | 
| Buffer Hanapement Aodule | Module | 
Jasert{). Seard) | Trser ti, Search(x 
po E 
Location fndexing | Location Storoga 
| Module 
MODE (Moving Objects Database)... 
Figure 1. Overall Architecture of Moving Objects Database 
Location Indexing Module (LIM): To efficiently search 
moving objects with some spatio-temporal predicates, MODB 
should have dedicated indexes for moving objects. LIM could 
manage several indexes by the Time Segmented Indexing 
method, which is newly devised in this paper. 
Location Storage Module (LSM): Location information that is 
reported from IAM is permanently stored into location storage 
managed by LSM through the memory buffer (temporary 
Attribute Storage Module (ASM): The traditional database 
systems, such as MS SQL Server or Oracle, are used to store 
the attributes of moving objects without any additional efforts. 
We, therefore, have no comment about ASM especially. 
We will give detail explanation about cach module except IAM 
and ASM in the following sections. 
The Query Processing Module should define location data 
model and location query language for the moving objects. The 
location data model means data structure and operations for the 
moving objects. In this paper, we revised the previous works, 
and newly defined a data model, which is composed of a lot of 
classes such as MPoint, MLineString, and MPolygon. In this 
paper, we focus on MPoint. 
3.1 Moving Objects Data Model 
In this section, we describe class model for moving objects 
components using UML. This supports time-series operations as 
well as continuous moving objects operations. 
(1) Data Model 
Class package for moving objects components (see Figure?) 
consists of four major components. ETRITime, ETRIGeometry, 
and ETRIMGeometry component is a set of classes supporting 
temporal operations, spatial operations, and moving objects 
operations, respectively. OGISGeometry component which is 
very similar to ETRIGeometry component is just included in 
our package design, because we had already implemented it for 
another project. 
Figure 2. Class Package for Moving Objects Components 
As shown in figure 3, ETRITime component has four types of 
temporal classes. These classes have interfaces such as 
ITemporal, ITemporalRelation, and ITmporalOperator. Each 
interface consists of several operations such as figure 4. 
CTRL Ea . tTemporat 
Instant - PHemgoralRolsiion 
a" €! — Emm n iTemporal 
Terr Bon Clie > - 
Period | 5 Tempera Ran 
LU Femposaioceralor 
"6n int 4 É ITemporat 
iie Ti ip Tert a Ce - 
Temporaicedéction 5 Tiemgoraiielation 
Uo PCÜemeesiopirater 
EC pie > 
Interval VU (Üemeand 
Figure 3. Temporal Classes 
ITerpoeal i | ITémpsrol Duratios( Y 
jl Temperal Chanel): 
ITempeecikelafion | | beat recedes ( ITemporel other % 
| beat Overlaps ( I Temporal other Y 
| best Contains ( ITempeeat ether Y 
| Bool Mowts {I Tempers! other X 
4 Boe! Equakt ( ITemporal ether ): 
ITemporalOperator | | beo! Interwection ( 1 Temperes ether, ret object à ptersection . 
| Bool Unies. ( ITermporal other, ref object unien 
| Bool Difference (ITemperal sther, ref object difference x 
Figure 4. Temporal Operations 
ETRIGeometry component has several geometry classes such 
as Point, LineString, Polygon, GeometryCollection, Surface, 
and et al. UML modeling for these classes is borrowed from 
that of International Standard of Open GIS Consortium for 

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