Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Table( 1):Criteria are divided in to three groups of road, vehicle and humane factors 
Cost model 
Road criteria 
Traffic, safety, additional facilities, weather condition, route length, geometric specifications, road 
type, road area, the potential points of collision, animals passing by, accurate driving signals, 
junctions and deviations, one-way or two-way direction, geographic direction, existent checkpoints 
Vehicle Vehicle type and model, type and extent of fuel, vehicle weight, its shipment the method of 
criteria tightening of shipment, the tires type, the lights, headlights, indicator lights and ... 
Humane Age, experience, fastening seat belts, wearing sight glasses, familiarity with car technical affairs, 
criteria using road map and education and.. 
Table (2): the road criterion factors which have been modeled in this research 
Criteria Sub criteria 
Length A main factor which was multiplied to other criteria in the structured model 
Traffic A,B, C, D, E levels of service 
Safety Like highway petrol centers, village and city points, side-road parking lots, z, health and 
medical treatment services, telecommunication centers 
Tourism Sea, lake and streams, dike, recreation places, jungle, mountain region, ski runs, 
cultural-historical places, antiques, religious regions, deserts, fishing zones, 
Facilities The fuel stations and public service centers and terminals 
Weather condition Moderate, relatively dry, cold , desert weather condition, warm and relatively dry, warm 
and humid 
3- Cost Modeling: 
After the identification and determination of criteria 
and sub criteria effective on the cost model of the 
routes, in order to devote values to each part of the 
routes network alter determination of effecting 
criterion factors on the value devoting process, these 
determined factors should be weighed and combined 
in a systematic manner [Sadeghi-2003]. These factors 
are put to gather in a model called cost model in this 
research. Since some of these factors are quantitative 
and some others are qualitative, a method should be 
used to enable the simultaneous evaluation and 
combination of both groups of factors. The Analytical 
Hierarchical Process is one of the most developed 
methods of multi attribute decision making models 
because this method enables the hierarchical 
formulation of matters and has this capability to 
contain both qualitative and quantitative factors in one 
single model [Ghodsi Pour, 1999]. This method was 
developed by a researcher called Thomas L. Saaty 
based on the method of analyzing complicated fuzzy 
matters by human brain in 1975 to the extent that 
many applications for this methods have been 
suggested by different researchers since that time. This 
process includes series of judgments, decision- 
makings and personal evaluations via a logical 
A scientist called Tomas L. Saaty in 1975 developed 
this method on the basis of brain pattern of analysis on 
complicated fuzzy cases. This is process of judgment, 
decision-making and personal evaluation through a 
logical procedure[Satty,1988]. This could be said that 
this method is dependent on personal imaginations and 
experiences to hierarchically formulating a matter and 
on the other hand relates to the logic and conceptions 
for making the final decisions. Another advantage of 
the AHP method is that it makes a structure for 
participation and group cooperation for resolving the 
problems and making decisions. It also provides a 
unique, simple and flexible model for resolving a 
broad range of unstructured problems, which is 
understandable for everyone. So it uses both 
systematic approach and detailed analysis to solve 
sophisticated problems and also realize the relative 
importance of factors in a model and tries to make a 
equity between these factors and enables the user to 
select best alternative suits its special objectives. 
Conception of sophisticated events and matters can be 
come a major problem for human mentality so 
breaking the major structure of a case into its separate 
elements through a hierarchical structure can 
contribute to better perception of human mentality. In 
these kinds of structures every component is placed in 
a specific level and is assumed as a sub branch of one 
or all other elements which are placed in higher levels 
so the first step in AHP is dedicated to the 
identification of criteria and the relative position of 
these criteria (Figure 1). After structuring the tree 
chart and AHP chart, the same level and relevant 
criteria are compared with one another. Now in order 
to combine the criteria cording to above mentioned 
method of AHP the criteria should be granted suitable 
weights and compared with each other by specialist 
experts of AHP. 
Since the comparison of the criteria required to specify 
the type and season of the travels so the modeling was 
performed through four different divisions (summer — 
tourism traveling, summer - none tourism traveling, 
winter — tourism traveling and winter — none tourism 
The modeling is addresses in two levels, the first 
level’s elements are the main criteria and the second 
level is composed of the sub criteria of each main 

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