Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
control parameter £,, which relates to the display scale and can 
be — as discussed later — for example the length of the shortest 
edge in the polygon. Thus, we can think of £, as the length of 
the edge which was eliminated during generalization step g, or 
alternatively as the length of the shortest edge in polygon P", 
Since generalization proceeds using increasing edge lengths, the 
sequence of ¢, is monotonically increasing. As a first 
consequence of this, one can pre-compute and record all 
operations g,, in order to derive quickly any desired 
generalization level & by the execution of all generalization 
operations e, ..., 2 where Covent SE ud € 
However, it is obvious that for most applications, the inverse 
operations g^ are more interesting, producing a more detailed 
polygon from a generalized one. Thus, we have the sequence 
P" ph P Ph up 
k-1l 8&2 S0 
where again one can decide up to which point the polygon 
modification should be carried out, characterized by the 
corresponding parameier €. This way, the inverse 
generalization chain can be used for progressively transmitting 
information over a limited bandwidth channel by transmitting 
the minimal representation P" followed by a sufficient number 
of inverse generalization operations. 
4.2 Encoding Elementary Generalization Operations 
We call the generalization operations we introduced above 
elementary generalization operations (EGO's), because every 
generalization chain will be made up of a combination of 
EGO's. Each EGO in turn consists of one or more simple 
operations (SO's) modifying the polygon. It is obvious that 
there are operations which modify the topology of a polygon, 
namely the insertion and removal of vertices, and operations 
which affect the geometry only. Table 1 shows a list of simple 
operations. This list is not minimal, since e.g. a "DV i" 
operation is equivalent to “IV i,0”. However, for 
convenience and for achieving a most compact encoding, the 
operations might be defined redundantly. Knowing the 
parameters of a simple operation allows to immediately give the 
inverse operation except for the “remove vertex” operation for 
which the inverse would require an additional parameter to 
specify the location of the vertex to be inserted. 
Opcode | Description Parameters Inverse 
IV Insert Vertex | IV «edge id>|RV <edge id + 
«rel. position» 1> 
DV Duplicate DV <vertex id> RV <vertex id + 
Vertex 1> 
MV Move Vertex |MV «vertex id>|MV <vertex id> 
<dx> <dy> <-dx= <-dy> 
RV Remove RV <vertex id> — 
Table 1: Simple operations used to define more complex 
Figure 1 shows how SO's combine to an inverse EGO, which 
realizes the creation of an extrusion of a building annex. 
Starting from the top left polygon consisting of a simple 
rectangle, a number of SO's is applied in order to obtain the 
more complex L-shaped polygon to the lower right. It can be 
observed that the numbering of the nodes and lines is 
continuously adjusted in order to preserve the correct sequence. 
Note that infinitely many combinations of SO's can be used to 
obtain the same EGO. As long as a sequence does not contain 
remove vertex operations, it can be immediately reversed from 
a stored history of operations. 
v, 2 v; v = Vv 
e; e, e; : 
V. , V, y 
0 e; Y; 0 €, 1 
Initial polygon after 
IV 1, 60% 
Vs Vv, 
Ya, V3 
es x A 
V, A 
0 e Vy 
after after Mv 3, 2, 0 
DV 2 
and MV 4, 2, 0 
Figure 1: Example for an inverse EGO, forming an L-shaped 
building from a rectangular building. The EGO is 
decomposed into four SO's. 
In the following, we will demonstrate how several 
generalization operations can be adapted to generate a sequence 
of simple operations described above in order to generate a 
generalization chain that can incrementally be sent to a client. 
5.1 Line simplification / Point reduction 
Simplifying lines or polygon outlines can be accomplished 
using filtering techniques or point reduction methods. For point 
reduction, different algorithms have been developed that either 
locally, regionally or globally investigate a line and decide 
upon which point can be omitted. The most popular algorithm is 
the globally acting Douglas-Peuker algorithm. In order 
decompose the point reduction process into a sequence of 
reversible elementary generalization operations, the following 
considerations can be made. Similar to generating a BLG tree, a 
scale dependent decomposition of a line, is generated by 
recursively extending the levels of detail in a tree structure. At 
the root of the tree is the most coarse line consisting of start and 
endpoint (see Figure 2). The inner nodes represent intermediate 
generalization levels specifying line sectors with an associated 
generalization level, and the leaves, finally, contain the original 
line elements (here, the associated generalization level is 
obviously 0). The generalization level or scale in this case is 
directly related to the distance of that point from the 
corresponding base line. For example in sector AF, at scale 
level c a split of the line into the two sectors AC and CF will be 

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