Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
the points, also the operation codes (IV, DV, ...) together with 
integer values indicating point id’s have to be coded. 
Altogether, this is in the order of n which basically means that 
all representations of an object can be transmitted for the price 
of transmitting one. 
Coding displacement is more demanding concerning the data 
volume, as it requires the same number of coordinates, as the 
points are only moved. However, the numbers are small, as the 
movements of the points are typically very small compared to 
the large coordinate values, that need double precision values. 
Furthermore, as only changes are encoded, not the whole data 
set has to be transferred in all scale-steps. Finally, also an 
operation could be defined, that encodes the movement of an 
object as a whole. During typification the objects are replaced 
by new objects, i.e. completely new objects are created. Thus, 
no incremental change from the old situation to the new one can 
be done, which has the consequence that the full object 
representation has to be created and hardly a reduction in 
volume can be achieved. 
When a map representation is switched due to generalization, 
this usually leads to a visible “popping” effect. Compared to 
switching between different, fixed levels of detail, the use of 
EGO's is already an improvement, since it gradually modifies 
the polygon rather than just replacing it as a whole. 
However, one can still improve on this. Intermediate states can 
be defined which continuously change the object in response to 
an EGO. For example, a "collapse extrusion" EGO (see Figure 
5b) would be interpreted as “move extrusion until in coincides 
with the main part, then change the topology accordingly”. We 
term this approach continuous generalization as it effectively 
allows to morph the object continuously from its coarsest to its 
finest representation. It is realized by decomposing the 
movement into a number of intermediate steps that give the 
impression of smooth changes. For more details sce [Brenner & 
Sester, 2003]. 
An approach was presented to decompose changes in object 
geometry into a small set of simple operations. These 
operations can express the creation of objects as well as 
iterative refinement of their shapes. This coding scheme was 
used to represent different generalization levels of objects 
efficiently. For different generalization operations it could be 
shown, how this representation was generated. A comparison 
concerning the storage and coding demands with respect to 
representing the full geometry was made and it was shown that 
a reduction in the amount of data to be transmitted by 
approximately the factor n can be achieved. Besides 
incrementally presenting the iterative changes in the geometry. 
it was also shown that the changes can be animated, leading to 
nearly invisible changes between the different representations 
when changing the scale. 
Bertolotto, M., and Egenhofer, M., [2001], Progressive 
Transmission of Vector Map Data over the World Wide Web, 
Geolnformatica - An International Journal on Advances of 
Computer Science for Geographic Information Systems, Vol. 5 
(4), Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.345-373 
Brenner, C. and Sester, M. [2003]: Continuous Generalization 
for Small Mobile Displays, International Workshop on Next 
Generation Geospatial Information, October 19-21, 2003, 
Cambridge (Boston), Massachusetts, USA. 
Cecconi, A., Weibel, R. & Barrault, M. [2002]. Improving 
automated generalization for on-demand web mapping by 
multiscale databases. 70" International Symposium on Spatial 
Data Handling, Ottawa, Canada. 
Douglas, D. H. & Peucker, T. K., [1973]. Algorithms for the 
reduction of the number of points required to represent a 
digitized line or its caricature. The Canadian Cartographer,\0, 
pp. 112-22. 
Hoppe, H. [1996]. Progressive Meshes. Proceedings of 
SIGGRAPH 96 (New Orleans, LA, August 4-9, 1996). In 
Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, 
1996, ACM SIGGRAPH, pp. 99 — 108. 
Kreveld, M. van [2001], Smooth Generalization for Continuous 
Zooming, Proceedings of the ICC, Beijing, China, 2001. 
Oosterom, P. van [1995]: *On-the-Fly" Map Generalization of 
an Area Partitioning. In: GIS and Generalization, Methodology 
and Practice. Editors J.C. Müller, J.P. Lagrange and R. Weibel. 
Taylor & Francis, London, pages 120-132, 1995. 
Sarjakoski, T, L.T Sarjakoski, L. Lehto, M. Sester, A. Illert, F. 
Nissen, R. Rystedt, and R. Ruotsalainen [2002]: Geospatial 
Info-mobility Services - a Challenge for National Mapping 
Agencies. Proceedings of the Joint International Symposium on 
"GeoSpatial ^ Theory, Processing and Applications” 
(ISPRS/Commission IV/SDH2002), Ottawa, Canada, July 8-12, 
2002, 5p, CD-ROM. 
Sester, M. [2000]. Generalization Based on Least Squares 
Adjustment. In: International Archives of Photogrammetry and 
Remote Sensing, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Vol. XXXIII, Part 
B4, pp. 931-938. 
Sester [2004]: Optimizing Approaches for Generalization and 
Data Abstraction, accepted for publication in: International 
Journal of Geographic Information Science. 
Thiemann, F. [2002], Generalization of 3D building data, 
IAPRS Vol. 34, Part 4, *GeoSpatial Theory, Processing and 
Applications", Ottawa, Canada. 
This research is part of the GiMoDig project, funded by the 
European | Union, IST 2000, 30090, and the 
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