Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

I. S. Jang, D.S. Cho 
LBS Research Team, Telematics Research Division, ETRI, 161 Gajeong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 305-350 Korea 
Commission PS, WG IV/4 
KEY WORDS: Moving Object, GPS, LBS, Storage, Database 
Recently, owing to the rapid progress of Telecommunication technology, the increase of wireless internet's subscriber and diffusion of 
wireless device, LBS (Location Based Services) which take advantage of user's location information and receive information in concerning 
with user's location to be essential services. Location Based Services are related the moving objects which change their locations through 
time. Therefore, to provide location-based services efficiently, it is required that an efficient system which could acquire, store, and query 
the large number of locations. In this paper, we design management system to insert and search a huge number of Moving Object based on 
The group of Wolfson has proposed a concept of moving objects 
These days, owing to the rapid progress of Telecommunica-tion databases that is complementary to Guting(Sistla et al. 
technology, diffusion of wireless internet and performance 1997). Whereas Guting's approach of modeling describes 
elevation of mobile device, Location-based Services that are based movement in the past, hence the complete history of moving 
on user's location information have been useful service. Although objects, their focus is on capturing the current movement of entities, 
there is some difference in definition of LBS, it commonly known eg. vehicles, and their anticipated locations in the near future. The 
as that it employ accurate, rcal-time positioning to connect users to basic idea is to store in a database not the actual location of an 
nearby points of interest, advise them of current conditions such as moving object, which would need to be updated frequently, but 
traffic and weather, or provide routing and tracking information - instead a motion vector describing location, velocity and direction 
all via wireless devices (ex : portable phone, PDA, notebook PC for a recent instant of time. As long as the predicted position based 
and etc) on the motion vector does not deviate from the actual position 
more than some threshold, no update to the database is necessary. 
To provide Location-Based Service that takes advantage of feature 
that is mobility to user, we need Moving Object Management Moving Objects 
System(MOMS) (Sistla et al., 1997; Forlizzi et al., 2000; Wolfson 
et al. 1998; Güting et al., 2000)that can efficiently manage user's 
location information that be changed continuously. Moving Points owing Cegion 
gr typhoon/cancer 
SE /red tide/storm 
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we 
introduce related work with moving objects. In section 3, we 
describe system architecture of MOMS (Moving Object 
Management System). In section 4, we design Location Storage 
Component to insert and search efficiently location data in large 
amount. And in section 5, we shall show implementation on the Figure 1. Moving Object. 
system. Lastly, in section 6 we offer conclusions. 
In this section, we describe Moving Object Management System 
Moving objects are that their state in space changes over time. As 
computing power and technology grows, new advanced 
applications manage moving objects, such as land parcel, roads, 
taxis, buses, fishing boats, air planes, cars, and cellular phone users, 
etc. During last a decade, research about spatiotemporal databases 
has been a active research field. 
MOMS consists of three major components, which are Query 
Processor Component, Location Storage Component, Index 
Component like Figure 2. And related modules are gateway and 
Application. Through various location acquisition strategies, 
Gateway acquires current location of moving object. It is gotten by 
network based moving object, handset-based object such as GPS 
from SKT, KTF and LGT. In this paper, we use location 
information of moving object generated by GSTD, City Simulator 
for test. 
Guting have developed a data type oriented approach for moving 
objects(Giiting et al., 2000) . The idea is to consider the two 
major abstractions moving point and moving region as 
abstract data types like Figure 1. 

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