Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
4. Implementation of the Generic Data Model 
In order to test the developed concepts, two different datasets 
were used, being the 1:10.000 scaled data set of Brandenburg 
State Office for Traffic and Roads (BLVS), Germany and 
1:25.000 scaled data set from western Turkey. Within pilot 
projects, the first abstraction level topology, geometry and 
thematic components were implemented. The developed 
approaches were successfully implemented using SQL scripts 
directly into Oracle8i, after the physical design of the 
conceptual data model. First, abstraction level topology, 
geometry and thematic components were implemented. Two 
different GIS software were used, GeoMedia Professional 3.0 
and ArcInfo8™, 
In GeoMedia Professional 3.0, the conceptual data model’s 
thematic and geometry components were implemented. Two 
methods, the Detecting Alignment Elements and Dynamic 
Reference Transformation, were successfully implemented. 
Within the proposed conceptual data model, it was assumed that 
linear elements are defined by means of their parameters and 
then generated without storage of any other geometrical 
information. However, although it was possible to parameterize 
defined geometric elements and introduce them to the system; 
* It was not possible to generate these geometrical 
clements automatically using their parameters, 
without the storage of any other geometrical 
information. Because, geometrical features must be 
identified by their planar coordinates. 
« It was not possible to visualize the clothoid. 
The first mentioned problem was solved by implementing the 
geometrical elements redundantly and controlling the 
redundancy with the developed methods. The second problem, 
the visualization of clothoid, was solved with the help of other 
geometrical elements, since it was not possible to define 
geometrical objects in the system. 
The topology component can not be implemented in the manner 
proposed in the conceptual data model. The main problem 
encountered was the lack of user-defined types. meaning 
implementation opportunities were limited due to software 
vendor defined features, specifically spatial features. Topology 
information is considered differently in GeoMedia. Only in the 
“Maintain Coincidence Mode” ("On-the-Fly" topology 
instruction), displacement of one point has the consequence 
that, points which are situated within a determined distance will 
follow this movement. Additionally, it is not considered 
whether these points are assigned to topological nodes or not. 
There are some additional reasons, which affect the 
implementation of topology. The available mechanisms were 
insufficient in controlling the redundancies. The versioning 
concept is unavailable. A transaction is always automatically 
terminated in the system after a new object is created. This 
requires consistency checks to be realized immediately. 
However, in the conceptual data model consistency checks are 
pre-required for some entries, such as ‘Link’ and ‘Node’. There 
are also situations where this is reversed, such as determining 
‘Point Geometry’ and ‘Node’ relations. In this case control 
mechanisms did not provide expected results. Additionally, it is 
not certain whether the quantity of the consistency conditions 
required is realizable using triggers. A further problem results 
from the fact that the user does not have influence on the end of 
a transaction 
Using the second selected software Arcinfo8'M, users can 
define feature types and are not limited to the software vendor's 
concepts and definitions due to provided ArcObject concept. 
With the *geometry network" possibility, topological elements 
can be implemented according to the descriptions in the 
conceptual data model. In ArcInfo8TM integrity constraints 
called “validation rules” can be defined by the user. 
Additionally, the versioning concept is available. The 
conceptual data model was successfully implemented through 
ArcInfo8™, although during the implementation some 
problems needed to be solved. These are as follows; 
l. Geometrical elements can not be generated using 
their parameters. 
The main concept is similar to that used by GeoMedia 
Professional, where geometrical features are assigned 
to their planar coordinates for visualization purposes. 
In order to solve this issue, geometrical features and 
parameters were stored by using the user-defined 
objects and methods. The occurred redundancies were 
controlled using user-defined methods and validation 
2. Features having geometrical characteristics must be 
assigned 1o a pre-defined geometrical Jeature of 
Regardless whether an object is defined as a 
geometrical component or not, every object which 
should be visualized in GIS must have planar 
coordinates assigned to it, including the topological 
elements: node and link. During the implementation, 
an additional column was added to the physical data 
model table in order to define the geometry of feature. 
Consequently, objects such as linear clements were 
stored redundantly in the shape column with their 
geometrical information, in this case the coordinates 
of the polygon's points. These redundancies were 
controlled by consistency rules. 
3. The linear element clothoid is not supported in 
Although clothoids were stored with their parameters 
in the database, automatic generation of 
parameterized elements was not possible. During 
visualization clothoids were simplified as line and arc 
4. By using the "geometric network" of ArcInfo8!", 
topological relations can only be modeled between 
geometrical objects. 
With the “geometric network" of ArcInfo8™, 
topological objects and relationships between each 
other could be established. However, due to non- 
separation between geometry and topology, this 
establishment can only be made between geometrical 
objects. Due to this limitation, implementation of a 
0..1:1 relationship between ‘Node’ and ‘Point’ could 
not be realized. 
In order to implement the proposed conceptual model, 
modifications were made with respect to fourth item. The 
geometric element point was subdivided into three parts being; 
node, element point and intermediate point. ‘Node’ was 
preserved as node. From the other new defined objects ‘Element 
Point" defines the beginning or ending point of a linear element. 
The ‘Intermediate Point” was introduced in order to indicate any 
location along a link, which is neither the beginning nor the 
ending point of the linear element. Additionally consistency 

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