Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Table 1: HRSC /SRC parameters 
Focal Length, mm 175.0 988.6 +) 
f/ratio f/5.6 9.2 
IFOV, rad/pixel 0.000040 0.0000092 
Field of View (rad) 
Cross-track 0.2000 0.0094 
Along-track 0.6597 ++) 0.0094 
Pixel Size, microns 7.0 9.0 
Detector Array Size 5184 *) 1024 x 1024 **) 
*) Actual laboratory-calibrated flight model; the nominal 
value is 975.0 mm. 
++) The HRSC along-track FOV size is assumed to be equal 
to the angular separation between the first and last line 
detector. It is nominally equal to 2 x 18.9° = 37.8°, where 
18.9° is the nominal stereo angle. 
*) The HRSC sensor lines have 5272 "physical" pixels but 
only 5184 of them are used for image reconstruction and 
**) The SRC has 1032 pixels and 1024 lines; however, only 
1008 lines and 1008 pixels are available after calibration. 
Table 2: Band width of HRSC filters 
Detector Band Center Bandwidth 
# [nanometers] 
S1 675 180 
RED 750 40 
P2 675 180 
BLUE 440 90 
NADIR 675 180 
GREEN 530 90 
P1 675 180 
IR 970 90 
S1 675 180 
The data processing essentially follows procedures, as they 
were described earlier at an ISPRS conference in 1995 
(Oberst et al., 1995). Following receipt on the ground, the 
data are decompressed and radiometrically calibrated 
resulting in “Level-2” products. Further systematic 
processing includes geometric corrections. The nominal 
orbit, pointing, and geometric calibration data are used to 
project the images onto a 5 km/pix-MOLA Digital Planetary 
Radii Model as a reference surface (“Level-3” products). 
The five panchromatic channels in the Level-2 image data are 
subjected to image matching for the production of DEMs 
(Digital Elevation Models). The data are typically smoothed 
to remove data compression artifacts beforehand. Gaps in the 
matching are filled by interpolation to warrant smooth 
terrain models for the further processing. The DEMs are 
typically produced with a grid resolution of 200 m. Efforts 
are under way to derive terrain models of higher resolutions 
(50 m/DEM pixel) in selected areas, surface textures, 
illumination geometry, and atmospheric conditions 
permitting. The "effective" resolution of details in the 
terrain models remains to be studied (see discussion further 
below). By combination of the Level-2 data and the DEMs, 
orthoimages are produced. Various additional products 
include anaglyphs, oblique views, and movies. The 
processing ultimately results in topographic color image 
maps (Albertz et al., 2004). 
Raster imaging —————7 
peu Tee 
Da i d 
Contiguous imaging 
Fig. 2: SRC imaging schemes. The images are not to scale: 
SRC covers only 4% of the nominal HRSC sensor swath 
In order to make the topographic mapping with high 
accuracy possible, the viewing rays from conjugate points 
identified in the three stereo sensors (or five, when the 
panchromatic camera sensors are included), ideally, must 
intersect. We wish to examine, how well this condition is 
met. We first of all collected a large number of such 
conjugate points using a digital image matcher (Fig. 3). The 
HWMATCHI program (developed for the HRSC project, 
Heipke et al., 2004), which identifies large numbers of 
"points of interest" and measures their line/sample 
coordinates, is ideally suited for this task. Normally, » 1000 
such points of interest are found within one typical HRSC 
orbit strip. 
Using the nominal orbit and pointing data, as delivered from 
the Mars Express navigation team, we determined the 
viewing ray vectors and the "intersection point" of the 
viewing rays, i.e. the point where the three rays have their 
closest approach. A plane perpendicular to the surface 
normal was then placed through this intersection point. The 
actual ray intersection points were plotted with respect to 
this plane (Fig. 4). 
First tests revealed an internal time-tag error of 8 ms, 
associated with the nadir channel, consistent with 
communications from the camera manufacturing team. This 
error was removed to first order for this further study. 
Inspection of the corrected data suggests that > 99% of the 
stereo rays intersect within a sphere of radius 20m, which is 
an impressive result, considering that the pixel resolution is 
only 12.5 m for the nadir sensor and 25 m for the two stereo 
channels. We conclude that the internal consistency of the 
HRSC stereo mapping experiment, even with nominal orbit 
and pointing data, is excellent. 

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