Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 7. Emphasise Pols using MRDB: 
buildings (left). Pol in full detailed shape, re- 
generalised remaining buildings (right). 
This can be achieved using the following process: 
Firstly we identify the building block (Figure 6 left) and then 
request the individual detailed buildings the block is composed 
of from the MRDB (Figure 7 left). Afterwards, a new 
generalisation is triggered where the landmark object stays in 
original shape and the surrounding objects are aggregated, 
leading to the final representation (Figure 7 right). A more 
detailed description can be found in Elias et al. (2004). 
On the one hand the user gets detailed information of the 
objects of interest with a high level of detail and on the other 
hand he or she gets generalised spatial information of the 
remaining objects which are adequate for the actual scale and 
the display size (Figure 7 right). 
In this case we preserve a clear map view and at the same time 
provide all the necessary information covering a larger area. 
These kinds of applications can be realised using the structure 
of the underlying MRDB. Because only a low number of 
objects has to be transferred and generalised the whole process 
of adapting the map can be done in real-time. 
5.3 Information drilling 
Another use case which benefits from the MRDB-structure is 
the "information drilling" scenario. The mobile or non-mobile 
user may be interested in a certain area or a certain object in the 
map. For instance the user can request the buildings which are 
located inside a certain built-up area or a single building which 
is part of an amalgamated object in the actual map. For example 
rescue parties might be interested in a large scale map to 
navigate to the person who needs help as well as in detailed 
information of some parts of the map, i.e. the environment of a 
certain building. 
From the users point of view it is only necessary to click on the 
object or position he or she wants to drill for more information. 
This click activates a request sending the ID (identification) 
with the number of the built-up area. A servlet passes this 
request on the WFS by requesting only those objects which are 
linked to the requested object. The user can determine the 
deepness of drilling which can go down to a detailed building 
plan linked with a certain building. 
5.4 Getting attributes from linked objects 
In some situations it may be useful to get information which are 
not connected directly to the objects in the actual map. One 
example may be the name of a city, district or postcode area 
which is not typically an attribute of the buildings within the 
map of a certain scale. However if we go down to smaller scales 
in the MRDB the object built-up area or city owns the attribute 
"name of the city" and thus the buildings linked with this object 
can access this information (Figure 8). 
Building: Restaurant 
Address: Leinaustr. 7 
Figure 8. Information from small scale (upper left and 
right) accessed for large scale presentation using 
the links in MRDB. 
That means the information the user can get is not limited to the 
attributes stored with a certain feature. Because of the links 
between the objects in the database the user has indirect access 
to all the information stored in the database. 
The motivation for this paper was to circumvent the 
disadvantage of small display devices by generating adaptive 
maps containing only the necessary data visualised in an 
adequate way. This leads to generalising the data processed in 
real-time like we aim at in the GiMoDig-project. As the 
generalisation process can't be handled completely in real-time 
because of its complexity we need pre-computed data, stored in 
an MRDB. 
As demonstrated by several examples, the benefits of an MRDB 
can be used for different applications. If we concentrate on 
mobile applications it serves to customise the map. The objects 
of interest are visualised in a more detailed way. On the other 
hand the user gets access to all information related to several 
scales. The whole architecture combining a WFS and an MRDB 
allows for fast and mobile access to all spatial information 
stored in the database. In this study we have shown that an 
MRDB can be used to enhance the information visualisation on 
a small display. It is also shown that an approach based on 
repeated WFS-queries can be used for accessing the MRDB in a 
real-time environment. 
We implemented, tested and presented only some possible use 
cases based on such a combination. In general the benefit is that 
there is no need to store all the information on the client device 
and at the same time the client has access to all the information 
available in the database. 
The future work will concentrate on extending the MRDB to 
obtain a multiscale database starting at very a high level of 
detail (1:5k) up to a small scale (1:1Mill.). Additionally the 
middle layer will be upgraded to contain an intelligent rule 

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