Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Through the system experiment, it is known that the model of 
spatial data interoperability and visualization based on GML and 
SVG is feasible. This model can resolve the interoperability and 
visualization of the data from heterogeneous data sources. The 
technology on spatial data interoperation based on XML will 
have wide development prospects. 
1 W3C. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.0 Specification 
[EB/OL ].http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/03/WD-SVG-2000030 
2 OGCO02-023r4. OpenGIS& Geography Markup Language 
(GML) Implementation Specification. 
3 OpenGIS Project 99-050. OpenGIS Simple 
Features Specification For OLE/COM. 
4 Zou Tao, Wang Jicheng, Zhang Fuyan, 2000. Information 
service model with mobile agent technique adopted. Journal 
of Computer Science and Technology, 15(2), pp. 150-157. 
5 Rahul Ramachandran, Sara Graves, 2004. Earth Science 
Markup Language (ESML) a solution for scientific 
data-application interoperability problem. Computers & 
Geosciences, 30, pp. 117-124. 
6 Simon W. Houlding, 2001. XML - an opportunity for 
<meaningful> data standards in the geosciences. Computers & 
Geosciences, 27, pp. 839-849. 
7 Ora Lassila, Ralph R., Swick, 1999. Resource description 
framework (RDF) model and syntax specification. /n World 
Wide Web 
Consortium Recommendation, 
8 Adam B., 2001. Developing Web Services. /EEE Software, (1), 

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