Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

4l 2004 International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Respect to these truths, AFAYBIS Project is prepared by 
Yildiz Technical University in order to manage and orient 
nap the tools, required information/data and institutions 
and which have effective role in reducing the damages and 
losses to least by modern technological possibilities. 
During the period of the project, 1" stage of the project 
By- including feasibility, analysis and design is completed. 
eral After evaluation of ISO/TC 211, INSPIRE and other 
ave projects, it has decided to prepare the following 
the standards: the feature attribute coding catalogue, 
out metadata, quality, application schema, product, data 
transformation, web mapping. The approach of the 
standards of the AFAYBIS project presented in this paper 
will be completed when 2™ and 3™ phases of the project 
are finished. 
Chamber of Surveying Engineers (HKMO), 2002, Large 
Scale Map and Map Data Production Circular Feature 
Catalogue (Proposal), www.hkmo.org.tr 
Circular, Circular of Prime Ministry of e-Conversion, 
; in 2003, Gazette 2003/48 
; to 
and Ergünay, O., Yilmaz, R., Karakisa, S., 2003, JFMO 
SBTK- Earthquake Group Report 
ition European Union a, 2002, eEurope 2005: An information 
ring society for all 
European Union b, 2001, eEurope+ 2003 Action Plan 
d for FGDC, 1996, FGDC Standards Reference Model 
Frank A., Raubal M., Van Der Vlugt M., 2000, PANEL- 
GI Compendium, A Guide to GI and GIS 
INSPIRE, 2004, http://www.ec-gis.org/inspire/ 
web ISO, www.iso.org 
and ISO/TC 211, 19100 Standards, www.isotc2 1 L.org 
Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality b. (IBB), JICA, 2002, 
The Development Study on a Disaster 
GIS Prevention/Mitigation Basic Plan in Istanbul Including 
vhich Seismic Microzonation, Final Report 
(d in 
ITU, Ministry of Internal Affairs, 2002, Turkey Disaster 
Information System- TABIS, Object Catalouge 
OAS, 1990. Organization of American States. Disasters, 
data Planning and Development: Managing Natural Hazards 
d to to Reduce Loss. Technical report, Department of 
: p p 
data Regional Development and Environment, Washington, 
the D.C. : 
| the 
y this Prime Ministry of Turkey (UBS), 1999, National 
to be Information System- UBS 
> data 
The Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM), 2003. 
General Asssembly Report, 22nd Term, 1st Legislation 
ration Year 34th Meeting 
essity World Bank, 
www |.worldbank.ore/publicsector/egov/definition.htm 

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