Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
2.1 Scale-Spaces and Image Analysis 
Every object has a certain scale range, in which it can be 
represented. For a wood another scale is appropriate than for a 
single tree or for the leaves of a branch. For object recognition, 
it is often reasonable to analyse the image at different scales. In 
many cases a one-parameter-family of derived signals is 
generated, where the different representations depend only on 
the current scale described by the scale-parameter o. There are 
several means to generate a scale-space. 
[n image processing often the Linear scale-space is used. It is 
obtained by convolving an image with a Gaussian kernel. It 
combines causality, isotropy, and inhomogeneity. The most 
important constraint is causality. This means, that each feature 
in a coarse scale has to have a reason in fine scale (Koenderink 
1984). In Figure 2 it can be seen, that after the convolution (and 
the additional application of a threshold on the right hand side) 
the original object is split at one scale and merged at another. 
Because they can cause these so-called scale-space events, 
scale-spaces are suited for generalization, especially for 
simplification and aggregation (Mayer 1998). Scale-space 
events can be external events such as the split or merge of 
objects, or internal events, that affect only topologically related 
object parts, e.g., the climination of a small protrusion. For the 
generalization of buildings the linear scale-space has the 
disadvantage, that corners are rounded and straight lines get lost 
(cf. Fig. 2). 
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a) b) 
Figure 2: a) An object is convolved with a Gaussian kernel of 
different sizes, b) After applying a threshold a split and a merge 
become visible (Mayer 1998). 
A scale-space with different characteristics is mathematical 
morphology (Serra 1982). The two basic transformations 
dilation and erosion and the two combined transformations 
opening and closing are formulated as follows for n- 
dimensional binary images (Haralick and Shapiro 1992): 
Dilation: A®B={ceE"|c=a+b for some acA and beB} (1) 
Erosion: A@B={xeE"| x+beA for all be B} (2) 
Opening: A°B =(AGB) ®B (3) 
Closing: AeB =(A®B) OB (4) 
A is the original binary image to be processed and B is called 
structure or structuring element (Serra 1982, Su et al. 1997). By 
varying the size of a usually square or circular structuring 
element, a scale-space with a predictable behavior over the 
scales (causality) is obtained. The basic operations erosion and 
dilation are combined to opening or closing in order to *reset" 
an object to its original range of size. Opening eliminates object 
parts, which are smaller than the structuring element. Closing 
fills small gaps (cf. Fig.3). 
Original Structure Element 
Opening Closing 
Figure 3: Mathematical morphology for a binary image with a 
square structuring element. Opening eliminates small parts, 
closing fills gaps (Su et al. 1997). 
A scale-space that combines the two complementary scale- 
spaces mathematical morphology and linear scale-space is the 
reaction-diffusion-space of (Kimia et al. 1985). The reaction 
part is similar to mathematical morphology, whereas the 
diffusion part is for a small c equivalent to linear scale-space. 
For a large o it diverges in this respect that only parts with high 
curvature are eliminated. 
2.2 Scale-Spaces for 2D Ground Plans 
(Li 1996) and (Mayer 1998) showed, that scale-space theory 
together with scale-space events are suitable for generalization. 
For the simplification of 2D vector data, particularly building 
ground plans, i.e., objects that consist mostly of straight lines 
arranged in right angles, (Mayer 1998) proposes a process 
similar to the reaction-diffusion-space. Reaction part and 
diffusion part are applied sequentially. 
The reaction part, i.e., mathematical morphology, is realized by 
incrementally shifting all segments inwards or outwards, 
intersecting the segments to preserve the corners. Objects can 
be split or merged and small protrusions or notches can be 
eliminated or filled (cf. Fig.4). 
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Figure 4: Mathematical morphology applied to vector data - 
split (top) for erosion and merge for dilation (bottom) 

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