Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 9: Split and merge of object parts 
Figure 10: Merge of object parts and filling of a hole 
Figure 11: Elimination of protrusions and filling of a notch 
In Figure 12 it can be seen, that in some instances constraints 
have to be added to the algorithm. E.g., the ground plane of a 
building has to be fixed, so that the building is not hovering in 
the air after the box-shaped entrance is eliminated. In case one 
of the parallel facets is lying in the ground plane, it should be 
fixed and the other facet has to be moved with whole distance 
between the two facets. 
Apart from fixing a ground plane, partial rescaling of the 
building afler the generalization process might be considered, 
so that the original volume is preserved. It is not trivial to find a 
good solution, as the changes for each object occur in different 
directions and sometimes also only for parts of the object. In 
order to compute the directions and the parts of the object with 
a need for a volume-reset more research is needed. 
Figure 12: The ground-plane of a building should be kept fixed, 
otherwise, after the generalization, the building can hover above 
the ground. 
3.1 Squaring of Roof-Structures 
Up to this point orthogonal structures were assumed. Even the 
slightest deviations due to measurement errors can heavily 
influence the result, as facets might not be merged anymore. 
City models with exact orthogonal geometry can be achieved, 
e.g., by the reconstruction method of (Gülch et al. 1999), where 
a building is generated from generic 3D primitives. Clearly non- 
orthogonal structures such as roofs need to be kept. During 
generalization, inclined roof structures are only eliminated for 
small structures or for very coarse scales, i.e., if the object is 
almost out of sight. In order to eliminate inclined roof- 
structures, a roof-facet is forced to be horizontal or vertical by 
rotating it either around its eave- (cf. Fig. 13) or its ridge-line. 
This rotation process is called tapering in ACIS. 
Figure 13. The roof-facet (yellow, bright) is rotated (tapered) 
around the eave-line (red, dark) so that the roof-facet becomes 
A roof often consists of more than one or two facets. For a 
reasonable generalization, the inclined facets can not be seen 
without their context. If only a part of a roof is eliminated, e.g., 
a smaller part of an L-shaped roof, the result will be not 
satisfying. Roof-structures, that belong together, have to be 
considered as a unit. For that reason, all roof-units of a building 
have to be detected. In this paper roof-units are seen to be 
defined by connected horizontal ridge-lines. Figure 14 shows a 
building with two roof-units, marked by a red and a yellow 
ridge-line. After connected ridges have been detected, for each 
unit the average facet-area is computed. If the area is under a 
certain threshold, the facets are tapered, i.e., the roof structure is 

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