Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Cartographic Generalization 
wris files » 
v wris files VRML 
Representation ++ — — — — — Result of the 
Classify objects 
Model yo» generalization 
Classified user process 
objects 1! answer of questions A 
v selection : 1! proposed by expert application of 
Expert ; | . .System |. operators 
System Er ru 
Primary and Y operators | 
Important > Second indeterminate Expert 
secondary objects Representation Model objects » System 
Figure 2: Generalization 3D system architecture. 
objects, such as rivers and mountains. In the second are 
the medium-sized objects, as buildings and houses. The 
remaining objects are classified in the third category. The 
first category deals with geographic modelling, while the 
two others with urban modelling (Frery and Kelner, 2002). 
This classification is important because the operators can 
be applied differently according to the category. 
The expert system with knowledge base about object selec- 
tion works in the secondary category selecting the objects 
in agreement with the theme, e.g. tourism. Nothing is done 
onthe others categories. A simple rule for objects selection 
is shown in Table 1: the system looks for keywords in the 
object name, as “museum” and “restaurant”, and verifies if 
there are other objects near (the user gives the radius). 
Table 1: Rule for secundary object selection. 
| | If there is keyword in object name or there are 
no others secondary objects nearby then Select 
The Second Representation Model is similar to the first, but 
with less objects. The expert system using the knowledge 
base about the application of operators applies the opera- 
tors to the virtual world. The system defines three levels of 
distance: LOD1, LOD2 and LOD3 that will be employed at 
distances defined by the user. Table 2 presents the LODs 
and their relation with the generalization operators. 
Table 2: Main rules for operators application. 
1 | If LOD1 <> 0 then apply the simplification opera- 
2 | If apply the simplification operator and simplify 
primitives then select the object category 
3 | If apply the simplification operator e simplificar 
IndexedFaceSet then select the object category 
4 | If simplify IndexedFaceSet then select the 
IndexedFaceSet algorithm simplification 
5 | If LOD2 <> 0 then apply the smoothing operator 
6 | If apply the smoothing operator then select the ob- 
ject category 
7 | If LOD3 <> 0 then apply the simbolization opera- 
8 | If apply the simbolization operator then select the 
object category 
4.1 The Implemented Operators 
This section presents details of the implementation of gen- 
eralization operators in the context of virtual reality. Our 
target is system validation, not the implementation of all 
the operators. The operators OP8, OP9 and OP10 are pro- 
vided in VRML through the Transform node. The imple- 
mented operators were simplification, smoothing and sym- 
Simplification: composed of two algorithms: primitive 
simplification and IndexedFaceSet simplification. 
The first is responsible for simplifying VRML primi- 
tives: box, sphere, cone and cylinder. A VRML 
primitive can be built with many faces; for instance, 
a sphere can be rendered with sixty faces requiring 
computational resources. This algorithm produces a 
simplified version of each primitive by projecting it 
onto a convenient plane. The new flat object, built 
as an IndexedFaceSet, inherits the properties of the 
original primitive, e.g. colour, texture and size. Sphe- 
res become circles, cones become triangles and boxes 
rectangles. Figure 4.1, left, presents an object built 
with VRML primitives and, to the right, the result 
of the simplification primitive algorithm. They look 
alike from a certain distance. 
Objects built with IndexedFaceSet have, in most of 
cases, many, even millions of faces. Many of these 
objects are the result of exporting from 3D CAD plat- 
forms, and they are comprised of triangles. Among 
the papers with mesh triangle simplification one can 
cite (Vieira et al., 2003, Hoppe, 1996, Guéziec et al., 
1999). The IndexedFaceSet algorithm simplifica- 
tion reduces the number of faces of the original ob- 
Smoothing: this operator works on textures with image 
processing techniques. The target is to get new simi- 
lar smaller textures in two steps: applying a low-pass 
filter (Lim, 1989) to blur the image and then sampling 
it. Figure 4 presents an example of this operator; the 
image to the left is the original image, top right is 
the blurred one and bottom right is the subsampled 
one. Their sizes are, respectively, 118kB, 52kB and 
12kB. The subsampling rate is 1 + 3. 
Symbolization: this operator changes the objects for sym- 
bols which, in turn, are textures over single-faced In- 
dexedFaceSets. Each texture is related with a key- 
word, and the system looks for keywords in the object 
name; if it finds a texture with the same keyword of 
the object, a symbol is created. Figure 5 (left) presents 
an object called “Statue” built with nine box primi- 
tives, two spheres and three IndexedFaceSets (each 
one with million of points); it has 191kB and was in- 
serted in the system with the keyword “statue”. The 
corresponding symbol is shown right top, and right 
bottom its visualization from some distance. The sym- 
bol requires only 3kB. 
The result ofthe generalization process is stored into VRML The system was tested on a large virtual world depicting 
files. The system was development in Java. 
the historical quarter of the city of Recife (PE, Brazil). 
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