Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Provincial and district level. This group is named as land 
registration group (LR-Group). 
Macro land use management (MLU group) 
National level 
Y 1 
Land registration group (LR group) 
Provincial & District level 
Management line 
Data reported line 
Figure 2: Two major management levels and its disciplines 
In this analysis, local staff at communal level has no rights to 
create or generalize SD. Hence, Communal level is not taken 
into account of analysis. : 
In summary, Vietnam LA is carried out at two main 
management levels (1) national level and (2) Provincial + 
District level. Correspondence with each level is two disciplines 
group (1) Macro land use management and (2) Land 
3.1 Spatial units in Vietnam LA 
There are many kinds of spatial units concerning LA. However, 
as the result of the above analysis, Vietnam LA is mostly on 
land use management aspect. Therefore, this paper concentrates 
on SD relating to the land use information. 
For the MLU group, a typical SD is Land use unit (LuU). LuU 
is a spatial object, which has homogenous of land use class. 
According to Vietnam land use classification system (LUCS), 
there are 60 types of land use classes and organized in four 
levels of detail. 
For LR group, the spatial unit should be taken into account in 
this analysis is registration unit. There are various types of land 
registration units or even a range of units (Fourie, et, al. 2002). 
Each land management level has different kind of interested 
land units such as group unit, ownership unit, operation unit, 
tract unit, and field unit (Larrson, 1996). However, registration 
units depend on the type of land registration (Henssen, 1996). 
For the case of Vietnam — the registration system is similar to 
title registration system, even it works more on the side of land 
use aspect, then the spatial unit is analysed here is land parcel 
(LP). LP is a spatial object, which has homogenous land use 
rights and has a clear defined boundary in the real world. 
To summary, LuU and LP is target for the analysis of this 
3.2 The spatial resolution of LuU and LP 
The spatial resolution of LuU and LP will be determined base 
on the geometrical accuracy or minimum spatial extent of 
spatial unit requested. Normally, this parameters (accuracy and 
extent) is interpreted thought the map scale that required to use 
at each management level and disciplines or mission. 
The geometrical accuracy and the minimum spatial extent is 
normally recognised in paper map is 0.7mm (for the normal 
features which can be recognized by naked eye - (GDLA, 
1999). Hence, the following formula is used to convert from 
paper map scale required to the spatial resolution required: 
Spatial resolution = 0.7mm X Map scale required (1) 
Based on the analysis of technical guidelines for cadastral 
mapping, land use mapping (GDLA, 1999; 2001), we found 
reference for paper map scale and spatial resolution required as 
For MLU group 
- Different management levels require different map scale. 
Usually, commune requires maps scale from 1: 1000 to 
1:10 000, then from 1: 5000 to 1: 25 000 for district level, 
from 1: 25 000 to 1: 100 000 for provincial level, and from 
1: 250 000 to 1: 500 000 for national level. 
- For the same administrative level, but different type of 
geographical & social economical condition requires 
different map scale. For Vietnam, there are three types of 
administrative management levels: first type — plate land, 
2"! _ urban land and 3'* — mountainous land. 
- The spatial resolution of LuU is calculated as [1] and 
presented on the figure 3 below: 
Spatial resolution (m) 
Management level 
4 Y T + T M T v > 
i tt ! i " i i il 
Commune Cusmct Freance Nason 
Figure 3: Spatial resolution of LU in MLU group 
Figure 3 shows that the smallest spatial resolution of LuU is 
required at communal level then increase as following from 
district to national level. The difference of spatial resolution 
required between commune and district, district and province is 
much less than the difference between provincial to national 
level. This difference range from 15m to 30m from commune to 
province in comparison with 30m to 180m from province to 
For LR group: LP is employed two times. First, LP is used at 
land allocation, which is in progress to allocate land to land 
user. Second, LP is as a core unit in land use right registration. 
LP is required more general at the first use and then very 
detailed at the second use. The reason is that, land allocation 
process only requires LP at general resolution, which just 
defines where the land is allocated. In the other hand, land 
registration is a legal evidence, hence, it requires a higher 
accuracy or higher resolution of spatial data than land allocation 
required. The map scale required is always at two next steps in 
map scale range. For example, the urban area: map scale 
required 1: 500 for land use rights registration and 1: 1000 for 
land allocation. 
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Vietnam land use classification system 
For L 
LP is 
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