Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
MLU group. Nevertheless, the work above has some 
limitations, which are worth for further researches as follow: 
- The interpretation of resolution of SD by calculating from 
map scale, which is base on technical guideline, may not 
fully reflect the real demands. It needs a field survey and 
interview to recognise the end-user's demand in this issues. 
- The case study just shows the framework for the combination 
of LR group data generalization between resolutions and RS. 
However, results are not yet verified with field data and other 
sources such as land use statistics. A more quantified study 
regarding to this ability would be needed. 
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5.1 Acknowledgements 
My acknowledgements of support for this paper is to the 
following organizations and people: 
To the Trust Fund Amsterdam 2000 for financial support to 
come Istanbul 2004. To Dr. N.B. Tuyen, Prf. D.H. Vo, Prf. 
Thuc, Mr. Chien, Mr. Doi for many value discussion on land 
administration issues. To Prf Molenaar for his lessons on 
spatial data handling and spirit supporting since the year 1999. 
To Mr. V. A. Tuan for using Hanam data and to PhD student - 
Nguyen Thi Hong Nhung for preparing case study. 

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