Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
navigated themselves while there is no computer or map. They 
early on used different techniques to find their roads but 
technological developments made this activity more interesting 
and easy in time with paper maps. Nowadays, it can be 
managed by the help of special navigation systems including 
integration of developing positioning and communication 
techniques, digital maps, computer and handheld device 
technologies. Today, these systems are used in different 
applications, so navigation is entitled according to its 
application area just as aircraft, marine, nautical, personal, and 
car navigation etc. Although these navigation types have 
significant differences because of their application dependent 
constraints and purposes, way finding demand forms the core of 
them (Timps et al., 1992). 
In this study, car navigation considered as the basic activity and 
an approach for the production navigation maps tried to be 
proposed in terms of MRDB. However the system needs 
systematic updates in attribute and geometric level. Although 
changes in navigation conditions can be updated by using 
different technologies just as Internet or radio waves, geometric 
changes on the structure of road networks should be 
automatically updated in the system so database for the system 
should be available for update propagation. However this 
database should be formed based on MRDB (Ulugtekin et al., 
Map design for navigation purposes is not scanning or 
digitizing existing paper maps. While designing such maps, 
usage conditions (psychological factors, external impacts, road 
conditions, etc.) should be considered in addition to design 
criteria. In this context, requirements for navigation map design 
are determined. As a result, this process considered as a part of 
small display cartography because of the technology used in 
navigation systems especially for representation. This makes 
the production process more complex and difficult. 
4.1 Work Steps 
After determining the requirements of the process 
representation levels are determined for different part of roads. 
Than topological relations for different representation levels are 
formalized and generalization operators that will be used in the 
process are selected. All representational levels are tested in 
different GIS and mapping software in terms of their 
consistency for the basic queries used in the navigation process, 
such as finding shortest paths or optimal routes. The results of 
these tests then permit the selection of the most appropriate 
representation level on which the standard algorithms can be 
used without any additional capabilities. 
4.2 Representational Levels 
Finally, desired cartography for map production should support 
the purpose, provide the aims and satisfy user requirements 
(Nissen et al., 2003). For example, a driver using a navigation 
system on a foreign city or country wants the system to 
navigate him as well as possible so system maps should display 
world reality in correct scale and resolution. Especially in road 
networks complex junction types should be visualized in detail. 
In this context, representation of junctions, which are the most 
complex parts of the road networks, is considered as key 
problem and different representation levels, where single and 
two lane representations of roads containing complex and basic 
junction views are determined (see Figure 1). Timpf et al. 
(1992), states that the existence of the multiple lanes is assumed 
but it is not needed for locating correct exits and entrances on 
road network. These different representational levels are 
examined by considering different aspects just like 
formalization difficulties, exchangeability among all software, 
usage and design costs to get an absolute result. The city of 
Istanbul is taken as the study area: Europe’s largest city 
provides a challenging range of road features for consideration, 
in challenging quantities. 
Road network is represented by single 
line. The junction is visualized by 
Lat using a single point (node) at the 
intersection of two roads. This level is 
used current 
generally navigation 
Road network is represented by single 
3 Level line. Details of the junction are 
basically visualized. 
Road network is represented by two 
nd f5z2 7 different lines for cach direction. 
2™ Level v» 
m Junctions detail as 
have as much 
/ possible in this representational level. 
Road networks are represented in 
detail. All other representational levels 
Level are derived from this level or higher 
levels. Scale: 1:5000. 
Figure 1. Representation Levels 
4.3 Data Formalization and Reasoning Processes 
Data formalization should be considered as one of the most 
important stage for an MRDB system, because mathematical 
definitions of the spatial objects and their relations were done 
using a consistent formalization language. Unless they were 
defined, the MRDB system cannot cover the aim of automatic 
generalization and update propagation. Different mathematical 
methods as Graph theory can be used in this process then they 
are expressed by using an appropriate formalization language. 
Studies on formalization of the representations continue. For 
example following relation definitions were written by using 
predicate calculus. 
Vk.y (Connect(x,y) -» On((StartPoint(x) VEndPoint. (x)),y) A 
V&,y (Intersect(x.y) -» (Zn(On(n,x) A On(n,y)) A nz (StartPoint 
A EndPoint)) 
The first of these statements means that if a road x is connected 
to road y, the end or start point of the road x is on the road y. 
The second means that if a road x intersects road y then there is 
at least one point, a node, on both of the roads but this point can 
not be a start or end point. 
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