Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Storing source data may seem, at the first glance, unacceptable, 
as source terrain data are not suitable for surface visualization 
and analysis in GIS. Close examination, however, has led to a 
new conclusion. First, both TIN and GRID DTMs are results 
derived from source terrain data by applying certain topological 
and spatial rules. This is done due to their advantage in 
computer analysis and terrain relief visualization, not because 
they can provide better data quality, or are easier to manage and 
update. In fact, if source terrain data are properly arranged and 
stored (to be discussed in the next two sections), a GIS can 
always generate a DTM using these data dynamically, with high 
performance. This will allow users to take the advantage of both 
TIN and GRID without being burdened by TIN’s storage 
overhead or GRID's precision problem. 
Second, source terrain data often have many uses. For instance, 
road networks provide critical data for transportation and 
planning applications. They also play an important role in DTM 
construction. Drainage systems are another typical example. 
Even with mass point data (such as LiDAR), there may be 
attributes associated with each point that may serve other 
applications (e.g., vegetation analysis). Storing terrain data 
separately as a DTM would mean an increase in storage space, 
extra work in data management and updating, and extra 
complexity and difficulty in keeping data synchronized. In other 
words, storing source data would allow the same data to be 
shared by different applications, minimize storage space, and 
eliminate or reduce the work in data synchronization. 
Third, when it comes to multi-resolution queries, source vector 
terrain data allow structure lines to be generalized according to 
a user specified target resolution (Weibel, 1992; Peng et al., 
1996). Whereas in a GRID DTM the original skeleton 
information may have already been distorted or lost. In a TIN 
DTM, although skeleton information may be preserved as 
constraints in the triangulation, attributes associated with each 
structure line still need to be handled. Kidner and colleagues 
(Kidner et al., 2000) also provide some good arguments against 
storing (explicit) TINs. 
Finally, storing source data is flexible. One can always modify 
or redefine the rules, change source data and their combination, 
and create different DTMs accordingly, which is useful for 
research projects. Trying to find a better triangulation criterion 
for TIN DTM construction, or a better interpolation method for 
GRID DTM generation, are good examples. 
2.2 Where to Store 
GIS applications often require a database environment that 
supports (among others) 1) geometric and thematic description 
ul spatial objects. 2) topological relationships at a geometric 
saimitive level and object level, 3) versioning, 4) multi-user 
access and editing, and 5) seamless, scalable, multi-resolution, 
and high performance spatial queries. 
The approach described is based on ESRI's geo-database 
framework defined in ArcGIS (Zeiler, 1999), as it has the 
potential to meet the requirements listed above. As shown in 
Figure 1, a geo-database (or database for short) contains one or 
more feature datasets; a feature dataset contains one or more 
feature classes; a feature class contains one or more features of 
the same geometric type (point, line, or area). A feature dataset 
defines a conceptual entity for those feature classes that share 
the same spatial reference, cover the same geographic extent, 
and are often thematically related to each other. 
Under this framework, it is clear that source terrain data should 
be grouped into different feature classes, according to their 
geometric type, source, and thematic description. Typical 
examples include drainage systems, mass points (e.g., LIDAR 
data), road networks, ridgelines, and ground control points. 
Those feature classes that contribute to the same ground area are 
then put into the same feature dataset. 
Geo-database p 
Figure 1: A geo-database structure. 
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> Rules 
Figure 2: Terrain in geo-database. 
2.3 How to Store 
Feature classes of terrain data do not themselves have much 
meaning in terrain application. A higher level of abstraction is 
necessary in order to support users to properly model their 
terrain data and applications. This is achieved by introducing 
Terrain into the geo-database framework described in section 
2.2. A Terrain is defined as a special type living inside a feature 
dataset, consisting of one or more feature classes within the 
dataset and a set of rules (Figure 2). Feature classes constituting 
a terrain dataset are called terrain measurements. 
Terrain measurements can be stored as point, line, or area 
feature classes. They may participate in more than one Terrain 
within the same feature dataset. Terrain measurements are also 
regular feature classes that can be used for other purposes, 
allowing 2D data and terrain data to be integrated into the same 
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