Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
The set of rules defines how the measurements are applied when 
constructing a terrain representation (such as a DTM) as a result 
of spatial query. These rules 1) define the role of each 
measurement, whether a measurement should be added as a 
mass elevation point, a break line, a replacement polygon, or a 
clipping polygon, and so forth; 2) specify, for each 
measurement, where the elevation information comes from, 
whether the Z coordinate, the value of a particular attribute, or a 
result interpolated from a given DTM (which may include the 
one under construction); and 3) specify at what resolution, or 
resolution range, a measurement should participate. This is 
necessary in order to support multi-resolution queries and 
accommodate different requirements in terrain generalization 
(to be discussed in section 3.2). 
The introduction of Terrain allows a geo-database to store and 
manage terrain data without being bound to a particular type of 
DTM. A DTM can be generated dynamically upon users' 
request by applying the rules. The idea of storing measurement 
data (rather than explicit DTMs) in a database is similar to the 
philosophy of /mplicit TIN (Kidner et al., 2000). 
2.4 The Basic Requirements 
Terrain provides a meaningful and comprehensive entity 
through which users manage, query, and apply their terrain 
relief information. Such an entity is referred to in ArcGIS as 
terrain dataset. 
In order to support various applications, a number of basic 
requirements have been identified that Terrain should support. It 
is also assumed that a DTM is still the most favorable structure 
for surface visualization and analysis in GIS. Therefore, a 
spatial query on a Terrain is expected to result in a DTM, upon 
which various analyses can be performed. These requirements 
e Support a large area extent and a large amount of data 
e Support point, line, and area data 
e Support update, on both measurements and rules 
e Allow certain measurements to be included/excluded 
in a spatial query 
e Support TIN and GRID DTM output 
e Support spatial query with respect to a given area of 
interest and vertical resolution. This would require 
Terrain to dynamically generate DTMs of given 
resolutions, anywhere within the extent of the Terrain 
e Support “horizontal” multi-resolution query — a 
special kind of query that specifies different vertical 
resolutions for different parts of a given area. The 
query will result in a multi-resolution DTM in which 
vertical resolution varies across the whole area 
To implement the supports listed in section 2.4, three key 
technical issues need to be addressed: 1) tiling, 2) vertical 
indexing and DTM generalization, and 3) data updating. 
Although today's good geo-databases are capable of handling 
large amounts of data, and 2D spatial indexing is basically a 
built-in feature, extra arrangements are still necessary in order 
to support fast DTM creation, multi-resolution queries, and 
DTM generalization. These include internally arranging 
measurement data into /iles according to data extent, density, 
and hardware/software constraints; and introducing extra 
indexing in the vertical dimension. 
3.1 Tiling 
Because data are potentially huge, it is not feasible to handle all 
data at once. Not only is memory a problem, but performance 
can be unacceptably poor. Tiling, on the other hand, can be a 
good “divide and conquer” approach for handling data of large 
extent, given the constraints of today's available technology. A 
good tiling scheme can result in spatial coherence — data are 
organized and stored according to their spatial proximity, thus 
increasing the performance in spatial query and data transfer. It 
also provides a powerful (2D indexing) mechanism for fast 
searching; allows data to be handled in a more manageable 
form; allows memory and CPU intensive tasks to be performed 
locally without paralyzing the system; and is essential for DTM 
generalization (to be discussed later). 
Tiling divides a large geographic area into smaller, more 
manageable, units (Figure 3), which can have different forms. 
This approach uses a regular rectangle tile for its simplicity and 
efficiency in computation. Choosing a proper tile size is a bit 
more complicated. It depends on data density, CPU speed, 
available memory, and other considerations. Basically, the size 
must not be too big, so that a full resolution DTM of any tile 
can be generated using an acceptable amount of system 
- Terrain 
Figure 3: Divide large terrain extent into regular tiles. 
Tiles are used as the basis for reorganizing points. Points falling 
into the same tile can be grouped into, and stored and handled 
as, one single entity — a so called multi-point. This will reduce 
storage space, increase spatial coherence and access speed, and 
reduce disk I/O and network traffic. As most of the terrain data 
will be mass points coming from remote sensing and laser 
scanning, the benefit of this process can be significant. Line and 
area features may require extra work in order to benefit from 
this measure, as a single feature can cross many tiles. 
3.2 Vertical Indexing and DTM Generalization 
The vertical indexing is introduced to quickly identify those 
data that contribute to a certain given resolution, so that no 
redundant data will be retrieved and used to generate the output 
DTM. This is achieved by assigning points to different “layers” 
according to certain rules — a preprocessing step executed when 
a terrain dataset is created. 
Vertical indexing identifies points, and vertices of line and area 
features, that contribute to a DTM of a specific vertical 
resolution, or a specific layer in a DTM Pyramid (Floriani, 
1995). A DTM Pyramid is composed of a list of pyramid layers, 
with the first layer corresponding to the full resolution DTM, 

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