Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
and the last layer corresponding to the DTM of least resolution. 
Therefore, vertical indexing can be seen as sorting data 
according to the pyramid layer position (index). 
The vertical resolution for each layer is relative to the full 
resolution DTM. The number of layers in a pyramid, and each 
layer's (relative) resolution, are up to the user to define. 
Generally speaking, the more the layers, the smoother the 
transition between these layers. Unlike image pyramid layers, 
increasing the number of layers in a Terrain pyramid will not 
result in more data to be created, duplicated, and stored. It 
merely increases the number of classifications. However, it does 
increase the preprocessing time, and potentially the number of 
multi-points when points within the same tile are further divided 
into subgroups based on their vertical indices (to be discussed 
Pyramid layers can be built by deriving a DTM of lower 
resolution from the full resolution one, through generalization 
(Weibel, 1992; Peng et al., 1996). A number of algorithms have 
been published in the literature, such as DTM filtering (Loon, 
1978; Zoraster et al, 1984), DTM compression (Gottshalk, 
1972; Heller, 1990), and structure or skeleton line 
generalization (Wu, 1981; Yoeli, 1990; Wolf, 1988; Weibel, 
1989). An evaluation of these three types of methods can be 
found in (Weibel, 1992). Other algorithms are also available in 
the area of computer graphics, mainly to serve real time 
visualization (Kalvin, 1996; Hoppe, 1998; Lee, 1998; Reinhard, 
1998). This design adopts the DTM compression (or point 
decimation) approach for point features. 
Line and area features require a generalization approach that 
takes into account topological relationships and the vertical 
dimension. Unfortunately, there is still no good algorithm 
available for automated generalization of line and area features. 
Furthermore, different applications may have different 
generalization requirements and criteria. Based on these 
considerations, this design introduces three mechanisms to 
index line and area features: 1) use user provided multiple 
versions of pre-generalized terrain measurements, and associate 
each version with a corresponding layer in a DTM pyramid; 2) 
adopts Line Generalization Tree (Johns and Abraham, 1987), 
but supports more algorithms; 3) uses on-the-fly automated 
generalization of the original measurements. 
The Line Generalization Tree has a limitation that only 
selection of vertices can be performed. This project will focus 
next on developing algorithms for on-the-fly automated 
generalization, and the enhancement of the Line Generalization 
Verucal indexing adds another control for grouping data within 
the same tile. Instead of putting all the points within the same 
tile into one group, only those points that share the same vertical 
index will be grouped into a single multi-point. Because points 
are organized according to their corresponding tiles and vertical 
indices, spatial queries can retrieve data efficiently. 
3.3 Updating Data 
Requirements for terrain update come from two aspects: the 
measurements, and the rules. Any changes regarding these two 
will require the internal vertical indexing to be updated. 
Because rules are private to the terrain dataset, updating rules is 
simple and straightforward. Measurements, on the other hand, 
are shared by other applications, and can be modified without 
going through terrain datasets. In order to keep terrain datasets 
- and measurements in sync, some mechanisms are required that 
keep the datasets informed whenever an update is performed on 
the measurements. This is done through Events and Invalidated- 
Area. An Invalidated-Area is a region where changes of 
measurements have occurred. It allows an outdated terrain 
dataset to be updated locally. 
When an update to a measurement is committed, an Event is 
broadcast. Those terrain datasets that are affected will update 
their Invalidated-Areas upon receiving the Event. Users will 
then decide when to update the affected terrain dataset. 
Spatial query and surface analysis are Terrain's two most 
important applications. A typical spatial query takes an area of 
interest 4O/ and a (relative) vertical resolution AZ, and outputs 
a TIN or GRID DTM (specified by the user, Figure 4). The 
output can be an (transient) object that will be persisted only if 
requested by the user. Area of interest AOZ may contain 
multiple regions. In this case, there will be a list of AHs, each of 
which corresponds to a region in AOL A multi-region AO! will 
result in a multi-resolution (continuous) DTM, while a single- 
region AOI will produce a single-resolution one. With all the 
indexing support, the system can quickly allocate those multi- 
points that contribute to AH but are also within the query area 
AOI. Line and area measurements can also be quickly identified 
Terrain Query (A OI, AH) 
DTM . 
Figure 4: Examples of Terrain application. 
using vertical indices. 
An interesting example of this dynamic query is surface 
rendering. The zoom in and zoom out operations represent a 
typical scenario of multi-resolution queries (Figure 5). The 
shaded area in Figure 5a shows the center part of the state of 
Massachusetts in the US. The full resolution model 
corresponding to the area contains about 16 million points, 
covering an area of 8800 square kilometers (110km x 80km). 
Obviously, it is a waste to apply all the points when zoomed to 
full extent, as many of them may be mapped onto the same 
pixels of the screen. In this case, a well-calculated, simplified 
version of the DTM may suffice to provide a good overview of 
the terrain. This also reduces the time used in DTM generation 
and rendering. 
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