Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
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1999). The ESRI geo-database framework also provides a 
foundation to implement versioning and multi-user access 
support. The Invalidated-Area mechanism provides an efficient 
and elegant way to detect changes to terrain measurements, and 
enables local updating. 
The Massachusetts example presented in this paper, and other in 
house testing cases, have demonstrated the capability and 
efficiency of the proposed approach. The approach may also 
benefit the user who can now contract out for the source 
measurement data and handle it in an efficient and flexible 
manner for many applications, as opposed to contracting out a 
GRID model that is limited. 
There are, however, several tasks that still require further 
research and development. These include 1) a better vertical 
indexing mechanism for line and area features, 2) on-the-fly 3D 
generalization of line and area features, and 3) “horizontal” 
multi-resolution queries involving line and area features. 
The current design and implementation of the system has 
introduced some storage overhead in order to support tiling and 
vertical indexing. Efforts are also needed in order to minimize 
or eliminate the impact of this overhead. 
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