Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
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Figure 4. Object-relational database schema for the 3-D city model 
and between a ring and its edges are realized, using the nested 
tables RingListNestedTab and EdgeListNestedTab. 
Based on the topological primitives, aggregates can be build 
recursively. This enables the representation of arbitrarily nested 
building structures. An example is one university campus, 
which consist of several complex buildings. One complex 
building consists of parts, and these parts again are a 
composition of a main part, chimneys and balconies, and so on. 
An aggregate is represented by a row in the So/idGeometry 
table in Figure 4. The relations to the parts of the aggregate are 
defined by the nested table SolidAggregateNestedTab, which 
references several rows in the SolidGeometry table. Since these 
rows in the SolidGeometry table may have parts on their own, a 
nesting of arbitrary depth may be achieved. Finally, the 
SolidGeometry rows, which have no parts, are related to a Solid 
defining the geometry and topology of the So/idGeometry row. 
Faces may be aggregated to SurfaceGeometries analogously. In 
particular, this is necessary to map textures on surfaces, which 
is very important for the visualization of 3-D city models. 
Attaching textures to aggregated SurfaceGeometries provides 
more flexibility than relating it to a face, since often textures 
correspond to whole walls covering more than a face of a single 
building. Textures are represented by a row in the Material 
table, which may alternatively be just a color value when no 
texture is available. 
On the top level of the database schema in Figure 4, the GeoTab 
table represents the geometry of objects by a value of Oracle 
Spatial’s  SDO_GEOMETRY type, which was already 
discussed in section 2. A row in the GeoTab table may be 
rclated to a SolidGeometry ot to a SurfaceGeometry, but not to 
both. In both cases, the SDO GEOMETRY value is a collection 
of polygons. It must form a closed solid. if it is related to a 
SolidGeometry. The database, however, provides no standard 
mechanisms to check this property. 
Using a collection of polygons to represent a solid is only an 
approximation. This is due to the fact, that Oracle Spatial does 
not offer geometry types for solids. The semantics of a solid is 
different to the semantics of a collection of polygons forming a 
closed solid. For example, the question whether a point is 
completely inside a solid may be answered by a solid model, 
but not by a polygon approximation of a solid. In such a 
polygon model, the notions of ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ are not 
Note that a solid may not be approximated by a multi-polygon. 
According to the ‘Simple Feature Specification’ (Open GIS 
Consortium, 1999), two polygons being part of one multi 
polygon may touch only in a finite number of points. In a solid 
boundary, two polygons meet in a common edge and thus touch 
in an infinite number of points. 
The database schema for the 3-D city model is accompanied by 
a set of integrity constraints, which express relevant properties 
of the model explicitly, and which are important for many 
applications using the model. One constraint, for example, 
states that two solids must be disjoint and may touch at least at 
their boundaries. In this case, the area where both solids touch 
must be a face, which is contained in the boundary of both 
solids. More details about integrity constraints may be found in 
(Kolbe & Gróger, 2003). 
Based on the analysis of the 3-D query capabilities in the 
second section, now it is discussed how the 3-D city model 
presented in the last section may be queried. 
4.1 3-D Queries 
As discussed in the second section, Oracle Spatial's operators 
apart from SDO FILTER are not applicable to 3-D data, while 
functions neglect the z-coordinate and treat them as zero, 
respectively. To obtain a efficient two-tier query model, the 
SDO FILTER operator, which is suitable for 3-D bounding 
boxes, may be combined with 2-D functions, enabling a few 
standard applications for 3D city models. This combination is 
achieved by a nested SQL command; SQL is the standard query 
language for relational databases (Ullman, 1988). 
An example for a nested query is given in Figure 5. It selects 
the identifiers of those objects, which are related to solids 
having the relation “inside” (see Figure 2) to the bounding 
rectangle or window given by the two coordinate pairs 
(3446733.79, 5549996.27) and (3445133.79, 5539196.27). In 
the nested select-from-where-statement, which is included in 
the from-part of the outer query, the SDO FILTER operator is 
applied. It selects all geometries interacting with the 3-D 
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