Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
e Raster (Image) Compression and 
decompression Software Tools. 
Raster Product Management 
The raster product management component will 
provide the functionality to manage the raster files 
(TIFF, GeoTIFF, ECW, MrSID, etc.), the metadata 
about the online (digital) and offline (negatives, etc.), 
metadata about collections (Air Photos, Satellite 
Imagery) of raster and other metadata (Flight Lines). 
The management applications should manage both the 
metadata and the files as a single asset within the 
management system. Additionally, this component 
must publish raster and metadata to the Land 
Resource Data Warehouse (LRDW). 
This functionality shall be implemented as a custom 
extension of the existing BMGS Air Photo System to 
support the raster files and other types of raster 
Raster File Access 
The raster file access component of the DIM system 
will provide the functionality for clients to access the 
raster in the DIM system over the Internet. The file 
access server should provide functionality to access 
the entire original raster, a portion of the raster or a 
resized portion of the raster. It must also support 
and/or integrate the security functionality from the 
Raster Order Placement and Fulfilment component. 
Raster Discovery 
The raster discovery component will provide the 
facilities to enable users to search for raster products 
using a spatial and metadata filter. Image metadata 
will be developed according to ISO//TC211 standards. 
The result should be displayed as a list and an option 
to display the photo centres and footprints on the 
index map. The discovery application should also 
include an index map that displays the base map of 
BC and should also support connection to an OGC 
Map service to get the layers for display. 
Raster Order Placement and Fulfilment 
The raster order placement and fulfilment component 
will provide shopping cart functionality for the raster 
discovery application in order to add products to a 
user's order. The component should also provide a 
pricing service for the products and online/offline 
order fulfilment and workflow. 
The DIM system and its components have the 
following common requirements: 
e Meets all system requirements as detailed in 
the DIM System requirements document 
available on the DIM web site. 
e Meets all applicable MSRM standards. 
MSRM standards are available at: 
eo Performance, functional, and system 
requirements are proven through adequate 
system, integration, and regression testing. 
The Digital image Management program will provide 
a managed environment for storing and accessing 
raster data on an ongoing basis. Data types of 
principal interest include aerial photographs, satellite 
imagery, digital elevation models, and a variety of 
derived products from these fundamental data 
sources. In addition to these diverse raster data sets, 
DIM will handle the corresponding ISO/TC211 
standard metadata. Many users will benefit from a 
simplification of business processes that make use of 
such raster data now, or potentially could in the 
British Columbia has been a leader internationally in 
the use of aerial photography beginning in the 1940s. 
Since the early 1980s the same has been true of its use 
of satellite imagery. More recently with the Terrain 
Resource Information Management (TRIM) program, 
British Columbia has emerged in the forefront of 
digital aerial photography. The overall justification 
for this sixty year endeavour has been the tremendous 
benefit that such data provides to a large variety of 
resource and socioeconomic applications. Because 
BC is so large (95 million hectares) and so varied, 
because the land is owned predominantly by the 
Crown, and because the population is so small relative 
to the land base, digital mapping and digital imagery 
have played a particularly significant role in 
managing the Province. 
A number of reasons exist for pursuing the DIM 
program at this time. These include the following: 
e Duplication of specific image files and of 
image stores in general will be eliminated. 
e The online orthophoto mosaic (built as part 
of the initial work on DIM) will be extended 
to accommodate all current 
orthophotography, thereby increasing its 
relevance to many users interested in the 
new data. 
e Increased number of data types will be 
supported, with new types to include 
satellite imagery and stereo pairs. 
e Metadata will be put into place to facilitate 
exploration and access by managers and 
users alike. 
e An update process will be built that will 
allow for new raster data, and its 
corresponding metadata, to be added readily 
to the DIM system. 
e Dynamic generation of derived imagery will 
support resampling and reprojection, thus 
eliminating the need to store multiple 
versions of the same data at different 
resolutions and in different projections. 
e The access time to raster data will decrease 
measurably because of higher performance 
software, thus improving the user 
e  Off-loading raster data from the ArcIMS 
application will lead to better performance 
with the vector data that ArcIMS serves. 

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