Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
separate state organizations; Land Title Offices (LTO) and 
Cadastre offices (CO). 
There exist a number of registers in a land title office. Land 
title data has to be registered in these registers to become 
legally valid. These registers are named as “main” and 
"auxiliary" registers (Karagóz 1999, Ayan 2000). These 
registers are currently maintained manually. The function of 
each register is shortly explained below. 
In Turkey, land parcels are registered in the Land Title 
Register (LTR) while buildings, apartments, and business 
offices which are commonly called “independent parts” are 
registered in the Real Estate Register (RER). There is a 
separate page for each real estate in these registers. If the 
page is full then the registration goes onto another page 
which is maintained by a number. LTR includes parcel and 
owner information and ownership rights and responsibilities. 
In addition to these, RER includes the share of the estate on 
the parcel it was built, and page number of the parcel in the 
LTR. To track the previous and next states of the real estates, 
there also exist “Previous” and “next” page numbers in these 
registers. I. TRs and RERs are archived by district names. 
Transactions register (TR) is for keeping the track of the 
transactions by hour and minute that the transaction took 
placing. That is, any transaction on a real estate is recorded in 
this register by its time. Owners register (OR) shows all the 
real estates which belong to an owner. There is a separate 
page for each owner. Through this, it is possible to see the 
previously and currently owned estates of an owner. Owners 
register is archived by owner's last name. Legal documents 
are deeds, plans, court decisions etc. related to the land title 
transactions. These documents are archived by district names, 
land title and page numbers. Representatives register is for 
monitoring the legal validity of a representative of an owner 
at the time of a transaction. 
3. The need for A temporal CADASTRAL GIS 
To determine the need for temporal analyses on LTC data, 
the needs of the related state and private sector organizations 
were investigated. Some of these organizations are the 
general directorates and branches of the State Owned Lands, 
Tax offices, LTC offices, the Ministries of Budged, Public 
Works, Culture, and Forest, local governments, banks, and 
private sector were taken into account. One of the areas 
where the need for temporal analyses is rather critical is the 
cases taken to courts. À great many of these cases require a 
backward analyses and in Turkey a great many of the cases 
are related to land and real estates. Therefore, these cases 
were also investigated. As a result, a number of temporal 
analyses were identified. Some of most striking examples are 
given below. 
General Directorate of National Estates (GDNE) 
GDNE is a state institution with the duty of determining and 
monitoring the real estates which belong to the state. GDNE 
often needs temporal analyses to detect and prevent misuse of 
State owned real estates. However, it has major weaknesses 
in performing its duty because of the current Land Registry 
and Cadastre system. One of the temporal analyses needed by 
GDNE is related to the Property Cadastre (PC), which is 
explained below. 
Property cadastre is the process that real estates are first 
registered to land registry and cadastral map sheet for the first 
time. By the law, the real estates whose owners are unknown 
are registered in the name of national treasury. The real 
estates with the unknown owners may arise as a result of 
either unavailable heirs in inheritance cases or foreign owners 
who had left Turkey after the Republic period. Due to 
incorrect declaration of experts during the PC, such real 
estates may, completely or in part, be registered on behalf of 
a person. During our work it has been noticed that, almost all 
the real estates of the foreign owners have been registered on 
behalf of persons in the PC of Yomra county in Trabzon city. 
The case has been brought to the court for correction 
(Gülmez, 2003). 
The temporal analysis needed by GDNE in such a case is to 
basically compare the ownership status before and after the 
PC process. The steps of such an analysis are explained 
1) Searching for the LT data and boundary definitions 
which were valid before the PC process. This 
involves manually browsing through all the related 
land title and cadastral records on the basis of 
districts or villages. The resulting are manually 
written documents which include owner, arca, and 
textual boundary definitions. 
2) Searching for the "reason of right (m)" and its 
explanation from the cadastral records of the PC 
process. Cadastral records are arranged manually 
for each real estate during the PC works. Therefore, 
what has to be done here again is to manually 
search many records and record the results 
3) Determining the LT and cadastral status of each 
real estate in the PC area, which were valid at the 
date of PC registration. For this search, all the 
pages of the LTRs of the PC region have to be 
browsed row by row. As the result, information 
about all the real estates with the information “PC” 
for the “reason of right” and registration date for 
the “date obtained” are retrieved. The resulting LT 
data are recorded manually. — Determining the 
cadastral status, namely parcel geometry, is much 
more difficult. Because, it will not be possible to 
trace back the changes from a cadastral map sheet 
if the map does not contain each updated state. In 
this case, the cadastral status of the parcel has to be 
rebuilt from the original surveys. Applying this to 
an area, a cadastral map of the registration date can 
be generated. Although map drawing can be 
supported by CAD/GIS software, this is a tedious, 
time consuming, and error-prone operation. 
Furthermore, instead of corner coordinates, we 
might just have orthogonal or polar coordinates. In 
that case, the situation will be even worse. 
4) Comparing the results of steps 1, 2 and 3. The 
resulting from this comparison the real estates 
which had mistakenly been registered by the name 
of an owner are determined. Actually step 2 and 3 
yield to the general same results but the results of 
step 2 is more detailed. Because, they contain 
detailed explanation of the "reason of right". 
Determining cadastral status is needed to decide the 
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