Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
occurrence of high-order respectively significant nodes, in- 
depth study of the type/shape of the nodes. To get on without 
predefinition of thresholds or the preliminary fixing of minimal 
and maximal values it is our aim to continue the search for 
broader regularities, for example in the combination between 
above mentioned criteria. 
Regarding this we could imagine many hypotheses and to find 
the following or similar structures with data mining: 
- capitals are always located at large rivers? 
- in general all big cities are located at large rivers? 
- jn the city centre are larger buildings than in 
- in tourist areas are more bicycle tracks than in non- 
tourist areas? 
- industrial areas are situated mostly along big traffic 
- winding roads are always in regions with heavy 
differences in elevation? 
- villages are embedded mostly in agricultural crop 
land, very rare they are located in forest? 
- .. 90 per cent of all junctions of traffic lines are situated 
in settlement areas? 
We will concentrate on both ways, supervised and unsupervised 
methods. Both can support knowledge discovery and during the 
implementation of algorithms, both data mining models will 
influence each other. 
The paper presented attempts in the range of spatial data mining 
in the context of realising a spatially aware search engine. To 
solve spatially related queries, the computer has to be aware of 
semantic aspects. Ontologies are used to represent them. 
However the information therefore can not completely be 
acquired manually. Automatic detection and learning processes 
of the computer are essential to enrich such data collection. 
Classical metadata are a first approach to reveal the content of a 
data set. Our intention is to extract metadata automatically from 
geographical data sets. An automatic enrichment with specific 
metadata, e.g. the keywords, was presented. 
Further steps are necessary to make semantic of geographical 
data visible, so that the computer receives background 
knowledge and can perform logical reasoning procedures. 
Therefore we use and implement data mining methods. In this 
article concepts and first attempts were introduced and 
explained, which have emerged as main focus during our 
investigations. First algorithms were developed and realised. 
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This work is supported by the EU in the IST-programme 
Number 2001-35047. We thank the National Mapping Agency 
of the state Lower Saxony in Germany (LGN) for providing the 
ATKIS data and the National Mapping Agency of France (IGN) 
for providing several topographic data sets. 
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