Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
area which had  mistakenly been registered. 
According to the results of this step, GDNE appeals 
to the related court for related corrections. 
5) Searching for the updated status of the mistakenly 
registered real estates. Here, “updated status" 
means the status by the date of the search. Updated 
status might be rather different from the status of 
the date of PC registration since the real estates 
might have been sold, subdivided etc. after 
registration. This search will start from the pages of 
the step 3. If there are full pages. the searches 
should also check “next pages” for the continuing 
information of an estate. The information contained 
in the rows which had not been canceled already 
are recorded as the result of this search. The owner, 
share, area, and estate identity are part of this 
information. This information can then be used for 
needed corrections. According to this, the court 
point out the corrected registrations to the LT 
All of the above steps require lengthy searches in the 
traditional L'TC system. Analyses are visual and information 
retrieval is manual mostly from paper documents. That is, the 
involved are tedious. time consuming, and error prone 
processes. As a result, such incorrect land registrations 
become very difficult to detect. For this reason, they are 
either omitted or take time for the courts to make final 
decision. In either of the cases, it means valuable losses in the 
National economy. 
In an e-government infrastructure, it is particularly important 
for the LTC offices to offer these analyses as “web services” 
to the use of other public and private organizations. LTC 
offices can only do these by the support of a TGIS. 
Tax Offices 
In Turkey, taxes are collected by tax offices that operate 
under the Ministry of Budget. Tax base in all taxes of Turkish 
tax system is determined in respect to the taxpayer 
declaration (Pehlivan, 2000). However, this system yields to 
a high degree of loss in tax revenues due to incorrect 
declaration or no declaration at all. As a solution, Cómert and 
Akinci (2002) propose a completely new system for real 
estate taxes. In the current system, tax offices often need to 
analyze real estate acquisitions in a certain period to 
determine incorrect or absent declarations. An example is the 
case of income taxes, which is explained below. 
Self employed persons pay income taxes through tax 
declarations in Turkey. However, incorrect declarations are 
not rare in this system. Tax offices may determine incorrect 
taxes by comparing the declared values to that of the previous 
years’. Incorrect taxes may also be noticed from the amount 
of declared values which are considerably low. In this case, 
tax offices make asset research to document low declaration 
and determine fine amount. An asset research may comprise 
both movable and immovable assets. [In an immovable asset 
research, the real estates that a tax payer and his family has 
bought or sold in a certain period of time are searched. In 
addition, cancellations of previously established mortgages 
should also be determined since this is an income earning as 
well. The asset searches may be needed in many other court 
cases. The procedure is as the following: 
I). Searching on OR and determining of LTR page 
numbers of the real estates of the tax-payer. In this 
process, OR is manually searched line by line with 
taxpayer's name, surname and father name. As a 
result of this search, LTR and RER page numbers 
are retrieved on the basis of districts. This step is 
completely manual. 
Retrieving data from the corresponding LTR/RER 
pages. The values of the real estates which had 
been either sold or bought by the taxpayer in a 
given period are retrieved. In addition, the values of 
the real estates of the same taxpayer with revoked 
mortgages concerning a period of time are also 
retrieved. If the values are not available on the 
registers then related official documents are 
searched. These values are listed with estate id and 
officially sent to tax offices. 
3) Comparing the declared and retrieved tax base. 
This is done by tax offices. If there is a missing 
declaration, the legal procedures are followed for 
the corresponding fines. 
Like the previous example, all of the above steps require 
lengthy searches in the traditional LTC system. Analyses are 
visual and information retrieval is manual mostly from paper 
documents. That is, the involved are tedious, time 
consuming, and error prone processes. In short, detecting 
incorrect and missing tax base declarations is rather difficult. 
For this reason, tax base controls are generally omitted. This 
means considerable decreases the Country's tax revenues. 
In an e-government infrastructure, it is particularly important 
for the LTC offices to offer these analyses as “web services” 
to the use of other public and private organizations. LTC 
offices can only do these by the support of a TGIS. 
In Turkey, the rate of the cases between administration and 
citizens and between citizens has been rather high. 
Approximately 5% of the total cases are due to the objections 
to property cadastre (DIE, 2002) When the case of 
preemption, property, inheritance and transition added to 
these, the rate will increase significantly. Unfortunately, a 
certain statistical figure is not available from State Institute of 
Statistics (SIS) concerning this issue. Because SIS evaluates 
these cases under a single title called as “land titling cases” 
and these are the cases which have 5% percentage mentioned 
above. The courts need temporal analyses of land title and 
cadastral data related to property cases. The example 
necessary for inheritance and transition cases is explained 
Inheritance and transition case starts with an heir’s appeal to 
the related court for sharing of the inheritance. Courts take 
into consideration the real estates that litigant had declared 
pertaining to the testator in these cases. The court has to also 
consider whether the other heirs have an objection or not. If 
there is no objection, the court requests that LTR office 
determine whether related real estates are in testator’s 
ownership when he died. However, litigant or one of the 
other heirs can declare that they do not know all the real 
estates of the testator. In this case, the court needs to 
determine the testator's real estates countrywide. The steps | 
and 2 of the previous example are also valid for this analysis. 

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