Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

2004 International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Parı B4. Istanbul 2004 
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of it 3 
ange T B 3 T 
Figure 4. Starting window 
1 2 2 nev T 7 
very : ; : ; Figure 7. 3D view window 
nany After selection step, according to the selected area the main 
ital window shown in figure 5 is started. The software has also additional tools. One of them is general 
t the overview window in which users can see the whole area and 
nage navigate the main window image. By using the list consist of 
tion most common place names, users can be easily find place on 
> . . - . . . 
ified the map by selecting it from list. Names can be seen in the main 
pd window on their exact places if users wish. 
r for 3. CONCLUSION 
ze of 
sable As parallel to the developments, base materials used in 
data photogrammetry and application software are taking in process 
to develop. Uses of high resolution spatial images, digital image 
Eps processing, digital products are some of these results. But 
le to FOS NIE Wado photographs acquired from aircrafts, are still keep their 
and By considerable place in photogrammetry, because of their low 
are ms d ROW users beabl 1 costs and effective usages in various disciplines. Presenting 
, and By MSIE tbe facis OR Cie mati window. SETS CA oe dole to vo digital products is also as important as obtaining photographs. 
re to following studies. 
ding ; zem DToCess : Zen m m zoom Sut gud par dit In today's rapidly changing world, you need current 
y : atabase process : Add new data , edit name, edi a : 
| for di ; proce 3 del line dat cua information to make update. Maps are months or years old by 
coordinate, copy and delete existing data ; ; : ; 
3 MC e dinates lenstl d : the time they are printed but you can have a image in your 
: easurement : Coordinates, length and area : a : : 
A Print: With " lk b : á hands a couple of days after it is acquired. An orthophoto is the 
4 : : pity ale rcating a ma ; ri 
with rin uk = Vi V Nd © NY NE N Map most up-to-date map available. Digital orthophotos have no 
"m 'omposition shown in figure = : ter = nf 
duce ; ec REO t 9 = down in iig oti il haut fixed scale. However, there is a limit to the scale of maps and 
on as Xport (x Export seen Dal of Age with or witnou hardcopy images. So adapting to new conditions will be much 
mes names and vectors dis E t : 
ames s C easier, if products are produced in digital format. Using your 
6. Vector process: Create vector layer on map. Point, line or 
ware A . : own software gives you adapting to new situations as soon as 
ates, polygon or predefined Styles can De added with desired possible. And also it can be easily adapted to your system. 
ta in color and line thickness or deleted. Save vector layer or 
tina load existing one to the system. 
7. 3D process: Create a 3D view of seen image using References from Journals: 
appropriate DTM in a new window shown in figure 7 Gruen, A.W., 1988, Digital Photogrammetric Processing 
A Hp Systems Current Status and Prospects, ISPRS88.. 
sers. À = SES TEE References from Books: 
It is ERI ee STE Kraus, K. And Waldhausl, P., 1993, Photogrammetry, Volume 
ions. Fa E 1, Ferd. Diimmlers Verlog, Bonn 
wt 1S | i 
ne is References from Other Literature: 
Jsers Gruen, A.W., 1988, Digital Photogrammetric Processing 
rsion | Systems Current Status and Prospects, ISPRS8S8.. 
d by | i , 
E | | Altan, M. O., 1998, Why Digital?, Symposium on digital 
ire 4. | | Photogrammetry, i.T.U., Istanbul. 
Figure 6. Print window 

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