Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 7. PERT chart of the project 
Satellite images have quite importance in choosing the most 
suitable data collecting which answers the expectations of 
accuracy speed, cost, time to establish every kind of GIS. 
PERT is useful because it provides the following 
e . Expected project completion time. 
e Probability of completion before a specified date. 
e The critical path activities that directly impact the 
completion time. 
e The activities that have slack time and that can lend 
resources to critical path activities. 
e — Activity start and end dates. 
According to the PERT method, map production cost of 
IKONOS Satellite Images is 310 731 $ and calculating 
durations is 70 days. Same project cost is 29 932 000 $ and 
duration 10 mounts with 10 geodetic groups. Therefore, by 
the use of satellite image 99 percent cheaper than classical 
map production method and 77% in the time can be saved. 
Hectare cost of the maps we have obtained from satellite 
images varies according to the dimension of the area. The 
cost of 1 hectare for the area of 10 km to 10 km is 4.38 $. The 
cost of 1 hectare for the area of 5 km to 5 km is 12.78 S. 
Therefore the arca of 40 km to 50 km, the one-hectare cost 
can be found much lower (1 he- 1.55 $), due to the optimum 
size of satellite image. 
The completion probability of the project with in the required 
period has been calculated as 97%. 
It was recognized that the use of satellite image is more 
economical in terms of cost and time rather than the use of 
classical process. When the time is considerate, cost and 
accuracy criteria rectificated satellite images have important 
advances for most of GIS applications. 
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Samadzadegan, F., Hahn, M., Bagherzadeh, H. And Haeri, 
M., 2003. On The Geometric Accuracy and Information 
Content of Ikonos High Resolution Imagery for Map 
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