Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
chains of vertices respectively". Thus progressive transmission 
of vector data in this work is based on the principle of reducing 
the number of vertices resulting in either a removal of points or 
simplification of lines or polygons. Simplified spatial entities 
are therefore transmitted first to the client, and progressively 
more vertices are gradually delivered from the server to the 
client until either the user interrupts the process or the entire 
dataset has been delivered. Figure 1 illustrates the basic concept 
of progressive vector transmission for a single polygon. 
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Figure 1 The concept of progressive transmission 
The challenge in progressive vector transmission is to reduce 
the amount of data sent to a client initially, but still allow the 
user to perform useful tasks. Furthermore, the algorithms used 
must be sufficiently efficient that they can be used in real-time 
and therefore not simply move the overhead in delivery of 
vector data from transmission to calculation of reduced vertex 
sets. [n this paper, we adopt a set of generalization methods 
which select suitable vertices for removal (Weibel and Dutton, 
1999) without any displacement. A dataset can therefore be 
represented as a full set of vertices and their associated chains 
and progressively coarser sets of vertices which still maintain 
key characteristics of the data. 
In the next section of the paper a data structure that facilitates 
vertex removal for progressive vector transmission and a set of 
rules for carrying it out, whilst maintaining important properties 
of the data is introduced. 
When displaying a map with a user-selected set of layers, it is 
impossible to know for what purpose layers have been selected. 
Therefore, a simple and logical assumption is to consider all 
layers as having equal weight, and to attempt to preserve 
topological relationships between and within all layers. To this 
end we adopt a simple ‘spaghetti’ data model, where points, 
lines and polygons are represented by vertices and open and 
closed chains of vertices respectively. Thus a ‘full resolution” 
map can be represented as: 
Map' iol ton = 24] point, "IU line , & U polygon , 
iz j=0 k=0 
In order to produce a reduced vertex version of the map for use 
in progressive transmission we must identify a set of rules 
which allow us to remove vertices whilst: 
a) maintaining the shape of objects; and 
b) preventing topological inconsistencies with respect to 
the source data. 
* In this paper we do not use the terminology of vertices and 
nodes (c.f. Burrough and McDonnell, 1998) 
To meet these constraints vertex removal is carried out in stages, 
and requires consideration of the following elements: 
e identification of vertex type; 
e operations for vertex removal; and 
e ranking of vertices for removal. 
Identification of vertex type 
Vertices in a map can be considered to have three possible 
types according to the number of objects which share a vertex 
and the number of source layers for that vertex: 
a) A vertex which belongs only to one or two objects 
from a single layer. 
b) A vertex shared by multiple (more than two) objects 
from the same layer. 
c) A vertex which is shared by more than one object 
from multiple layers. 
These vertex types are illustrated in Figure 2. 
AS d A3 
"y A Poly os 
(a) (b) (c) 
Figure 2 Vertices of types (a), (b) and (c). In each figure the 
open vertex represents the vertex of the appropriate type. The 
dashed and solid lines are line and polygon data, of different 
layers, respectively. 
Vertices of type (c) are defined as being immovable vertices 
and cannot be removed from a map. 
Operations for vertex removal 
Two classes of vertex removal operation are defined — those 
which can be applied to vertices of type (a) — which can be 
considered as simple vertex removal, and those which are 
applied to objects of type (b), which can be considered as 
complex vertex removal. 
Simple vertex removal 
Taking polygon entities as an example, supposing the vertex F; 
will be removed from the vertex set of a polygon, the Oneration 
will cause one vertex and two segments to disappear, and a new 
segment to be generated. If the new segment does not intersect 
with other spatial entities, the operation is safe. 
Thus, this operator will extract a simplified polygon 
7 7 
Por} fn ius ; 
(VV, V 
RR NO as 
P - P. OV,V, - (x, y, posid, Polygonid) (1) 
where M is the order in the vertices set, and Polygonid is the 
ID of the polygon spatial object. 
V,V,) from the full polygon 
T E. V, A a ,.., V, V1 . and the operation can be 
The procedure of the simple vertex removal from line entities is 
similar to that from the polygon o objects. Th The operation of 
extracting a simplified line Su m VE V e V au from a 
full line (VV, weasel epy sen kn, A } can be represented as 
QC, DF, V, e (x, v, posid, Lineid) (2) 
of the 
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